Monday, 28 December 2009
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Previously in Sunnydale SL...
"Did you see that?" asked Buffy with a frown. From where they stood in by the road, Buffy thought she saw a gray shape race behind the houses. It was too big to be a dog...
"Nope," answered Faith.
Suddenly there was a huge crash from Buffy's house.
"Did you hear that? from the house...." Buffy was off and running through the front door. She bolted through the house to the source of the sounds.
A skinny gray goblin clambered about the kitchen. It flung things from the cupboards and counter tops. Boxes of food spilled across the floor. The coffee maker crashed against the oven. Dishes broke against the wall.
"Hey!!" she yelled, "Scat!!BEAT IT!!"
The creature grabbed more items. Pots and pans tumbled to the ground. Joyce's favorite platter landed on the floor and broke in two.
"What happened?" Faith asked as she entered the room. "Whoa!"
The little gray beast rushed from the kitchen between the slayers and through the dining room leaving a path of destruction in it's wake.
"There!" cried Buffy.
"That is not a fricken' monkey," called Faith, "It's a menace! We goin' after it?"
"He trashed the house!!" raged Buffy, "I'm gonna kill him!!"
They could hear the voice of the goblin as it disappeared behind the high school.
"Too late, too late he he he...."
Buffy picked up another small rock and threw it at the little beast. The goblin had led the slayers on a merry chase out to the frat house before doubling back. It moved with a blur and the rock sailed through a window on the school gym.
"Smashy crashy. someone breaky breaky," chattered the goblin.
"Evil monkey," cursed Faith.
The creature stopped and sniffed the air. "Oooooo...smell cats." and off it ran towards the Wiccan Academy.
Buffy fumed. "Get back here!" she shouted.
The slayers sprinted down the street. As they approached the old house that the Witches of Sunnydale called home, they saw the goblin hovering near the black cat sleeping by the steps of the Covenstead.
"It's okay pretty kitty," murmured the creature, "Iz friend. Sleepy sleepy."
The cat hardly stirred in the presence of the goblin. It had seen it all and was clearly not impressed.
"Hey! I wouldn't do that if I were you," warned Buffy.
"Find you own snack," grumbled the goblin, "I'm hungry."
Buffy grabbed a shovel from next to the house and walked slowly towards the creature.
"Hey goblin, goblin," she whispered.
The goblin hissed.
It was quick. It was small and it proved to be an illusive target even for Faith and Buffy. The goblin's claws were strong and it seemed to have to power to quickly recover from any strike the slayers managed to land.
The creature fled into the Wiccan Academy.
Buffy rushed up the steps in pursuit. She slammed open the door and came to a halt, stunned by the vision before her.
"Willow!!" started Buffy.
"Buffy! that thing..."
"You're small!!"
Willow was still Willow, but now she looked like a child of about eight years old.
"yeah... I figured that part," answered Willow, "Remember that potion Amy left? The one who was a rat? Well, that thing you were chasing spilt it outta my hand. I think I must have swallowed some."
Buffy shook her head. She couldn't process what she saw.
"Buffy? say something!"
Buffy found her voice. "Wha...? you like drank potion...?"
Willow frowned. "I... I didn't mean to." she said with a pout.
"From here? Without knowing what it does?" Buffy had seen some of the potions that the Coven brewed here at the Wicca Academy. Foul smelling with questionable ingredients.
"Run run run...time for fun!" the creature sang as it fled from room to room.
"I was just smelling it to make sure it was the right one," explained Willow, "then that thing came in so fast, I was like 'WHOAH' and it was like 'Weesh', and the potion was like 'Sploosh'"
Buffy had no time to question Willow any further. The nasty little beast rushed into the room. Buffy swung her shovel. The goblin clawed at her madly.
"Knock knock boom," it said and lightning arced from the creature's hands.
Buffy saw a flash of white that faded to black. As she lost consciousness, she heard the goblin chatter, "Nasty shovel.."

Buffy groaned as she shook herself out of her daze. She pushed her self up from the floor, the smell of ozone still in the air. "Where did it go?" she mumbled to herself.
In the distance she could here Willow call out, "Buffy help!"
Buffy held her head as she staggered out the door and down the steps.
Across the field in front of the hospital, she saw the goblin scampering after the small Willow.
"Yummy," it said, "Come back with my lunch."
"Went after the little cutey," Faith said with a harsh laugh.
"Stay back Willow," warned Buffy.
Willow panted, "Ghee, I may be small... but I still got my magic"
And indeed she had. Bolts of blue lightning crackled across the park from Willow's tiny finger tips striking the grey goblin.
"Ouch," it squealed, "Me know that trick. he he he"
The goblin waved his stick-like fingers and lightning shot back towards Willow.
"Watch out Willow!!" cried Buffy.
Willow shrugged off the attack."Good magic has no effect. He reflects it. Gonna have to try something different."
"Roasty, toasty," mocked the goblin.
Willow raised her arms and began to chant, "Hear me, Osiris. Keeper of Darkness... I command you, give me strength."
Instinctively, Buffy headed for cover. Once Willow started calling up ancient gods, things tended to get messy.
"Did you see that?" asked Buffy with a frown. From where they stood in by the road, Buffy thought she saw a gray shape race behind the houses. It was too big to be a dog...
"Nope," answered Faith.
Suddenly there was a huge crash from Buffy's house.
"Did you hear that? from the house...." Buffy was off and running through the front door. She bolted through the house to the source of the sounds.
A skinny gray goblin clambered about the kitchen. It flung things from the cupboards and counter tops. Boxes of food spilled across the floor. The coffee maker crashed against the oven. Dishes broke against the wall.
"Hey!!" she yelled, "Scat!!BEAT IT!!"
The creature grabbed more items. Pots and pans tumbled to the ground. Joyce's favorite platter landed on the floor and broke in two.
"What happened?" Faith asked as she entered the room. "Whoa!"
The little gray beast rushed from the kitchen between the slayers and through the dining room leaving a path of destruction in it's wake.
"There!" cried Buffy.
"That is not a fricken' monkey," called Faith, "It's a menace! We goin' after it?"
"He trashed the house!!" raged Buffy, "I'm gonna kill him!!"
They could hear the voice of the goblin as it disappeared behind the high school.
"Too late, too late he he he...."
Buffy picked up another small rock and threw it at the little beast. The goblin had led the slayers on a merry chase out to the frat house before doubling back. It moved with a blur and the rock sailed through a window on the school gym.
"Smashy crashy. someone breaky breaky," chattered the goblin.
"Evil monkey," cursed Faith.
The creature stopped and sniffed the air. "Oooooo...smell cats." and off it ran towards the Wiccan Academy.
Buffy fumed. "Get back here!" she shouted.
The slayers sprinted down the street. As they approached the old house that the Witches of Sunnydale called home, they saw the goblin hovering near the black cat sleeping by the steps of the Covenstead.
"It's okay pretty kitty," murmured the creature, "Iz friend. Sleepy sleepy."
The cat hardly stirred in the presence of the goblin. It had seen it all and was clearly not impressed.
"Hey! I wouldn't do that if I were you," warned Buffy.
"Find you own snack," grumbled the goblin, "I'm hungry."
Buffy grabbed a shovel from next to the house and walked slowly towards the creature.
"Hey goblin, goblin," she whispered.
The goblin hissed.

The creature fled into the Wiccan Academy.
Buffy rushed up the steps in pursuit. She slammed open the door and came to a halt, stunned by the vision before her.
"Willow!!" started Buffy.
"Buffy! that thing..."
"You're small!!"
Willow was still Willow, but now she looked like a child of about eight years old.
"yeah... I figured that part," answered Willow, "Remember that potion Amy left? The one who was a rat? Well, that thing you were chasing spilt it outta my hand. I think I must have swallowed some."
Buffy shook her head. She couldn't process what she saw.
"Buffy? say something!"
Buffy found her voice. "Wha...? you like drank potion...?"
Willow frowned. "I... I didn't mean to." she said with a pout.
"From here? Without knowing what it does?" Buffy had seen some of the potions that the Coven brewed here at the Wicca Academy. Foul smelling with questionable ingredients.
"Run run run...time for fun!" the creature sang as it fled from room to room.
"I was just smelling it to make sure it was the right one," explained Willow, "then that thing came in so fast, I was like 'WHOAH' and it was like 'Weesh', and the potion was like 'Sploosh'"
Buffy had no time to question Willow any further. The nasty little beast rushed into the room. Buffy swung her shovel. The goblin clawed at her madly.
"Knock knock boom," it said and lightning arced from the creature's hands.
Buffy saw a flash of white that faded to black. As she lost consciousness, she heard the goblin chatter, "Nasty shovel.."

Buffy groaned as she shook herself out of her daze. She pushed her self up from the floor, the smell of ozone still in the air. "Where did it go?" she mumbled to herself.
In the distance she could here Willow call out, "Buffy help!"
Buffy held her head as she staggered out the door and down the steps.
Across the field in front of the hospital, she saw the goblin scampering after the small Willow.
"Yummy," it said, "Come back with my lunch."
"Went after the little cutey," Faith said with a harsh laugh.
"Stay back Willow," warned Buffy.
Willow panted, "Ghee, I may be small... but I still got my magic"
And indeed she had. Bolts of blue lightning crackled across the park from Willow's tiny finger tips striking the grey goblin.
"Ouch," it squealed, "Me know that trick. he he he"
The goblin waved his stick-like fingers and lightning shot back towards Willow.
"Watch out Willow!!" cried Buffy.
Willow shrugged off the attack."Good magic has no effect. He reflects it. Gonna have to try something different."
"Roasty, toasty," mocked the goblin.
Willow raised her arms and began to chant, "Hear me, Osiris. Keeper of Darkness... I command you, give me strength."
Instinctively, Buffy headed for cover. Once Willow started calling up ancient gods, things tended to get messy.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Where Angels Normally Fear to Tread

Buffy slipped on a pair of clean jeans and tossed her traveling clothes into the pile for laundry.
It was nice to get away for a few days, she thought. But for some reason the bus trip from L.A. had seemed longer this time. It might have something to do with Sunnydale being unstuck in time.
She looked at the clock. It was too early for patrol. She pulled on a fresh t-shirt and prepared to make her way downstairs. Maybe a little snack would help.
All at once, there was a great flash and a rushing sound of air displaced.
The light in the room was suddenly of a better quality and there was a sharpness to everything. Even the colors of the wallpaper seemed fresh and vibrant. The atmosphere itself felt vitalized as if she could fill her lungs for the first time. Her tiredness simply melted away.
Buffy turned and there standing in her bedroom was an angel... not Angel.... but rather an angel. The snow wing variety.
"Your destiny has only just begun, Buffy Summers!" declared the being. His voice echoed with a clarity that thrilled the blood, a quality of gentleness that dispelled doubt.
Terrific, thought Buffy, but just once I'd like 'Destiny' to knock and use the door.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Faith and Doubt
The broken ground crunched beneath her sandals as Buffy made her way to Angel's Mansion.
It had been over a week since the gang had confronted Ethan Rayne. Over a week since she had learned that one of the "Dark Cloaks" that Ethan served looked like Willow.
She wasn't sure she understood all of Ethan's cryptic riddles but it seemed as though these Dark Cloaks were playing both sides - good and evil - against one another. She wasn't sure what that all entailed, but she was sure about one thing: the human race was caught in the middle.
Buffy pushed door of the mansion and it swung open with a creaking sound. She could smell the warm, welcoming scent of a fire burning in the hearth.
She had planned to lay low, stay quite and wait until she had more information before she would act, but certain thoughts kept nagging at her.
Was this Dark Cloak really Willow? Had she turned dark again? Was this a new Willow? Or was it something that took her form perhaps just to engender these very doubts?
Buffy passed the kitchen, crossed the living room and entered the inner sitting room.
So now she was here in Angel's Mansion. She had come to meet the one person that more and more she found herself placing her trust.
"Hello Faith," she said.
There were many things Not Dead in Sunnydale. Irony, it seems, was one of them.
It had been over a week since the gang had confronted Ethan Rayne. Over a week since she had learned that one of the "Dark Cloaks" that Ethan served looked like Willow.
She wasn't sure she understood all of Ethan's cryptic riddles but it seemed as though these Dark Cloaks were playing both sides - good and evil - against one another. She wasn't sure what that all entailed, but she was sure about one thing: the human race was caught in the middle.
Buffy pushed door of the mansion and it swung open with a creaking sound. She could smell the warm, welcoming scent of a fire burning in the hearth.
She had planned to lay low, stay quite and wait until she had more information before she would act, but certain thoughts kept nagging at her.
Was this Dark Cloak really Willow? Had she turned dark again? Was this a new Willow? Or was it something that took her form perhaps just to engender these very doubts?
Buffy passed the kitchen, crossed the living room and entered the inner sitting room.
So now she was here in Angel's Mansion. She had come to meet the one person that more and more she found herself placing her trust.
"Hello Faith," she said.
There were many things Not Dead in Sunnydale. Irony, it seems, was one of them.

Saturday, 31 October 2009
Hallowe'en Ball
Friday, October 30 our Hallowe'en Week Festivities came to a climax with the 2009 Hallowe'en Ball at the Bronze.
With Sunnydale DJ Isabelle Torok spinning the hot tunes, the fun and dancing got underway.
Even the evil floating pumpkins got in the act, drifting into the Bronze, causing grief and mayhem all in good fun. These pumpkins had been attacking the good folk of Sunnydale all week.
Everyone came in costume and Hallowe'en themed party dress. Vampires, witches, elves ... and one very real animal!
This event concluded a week of roleplay and pumpkin hunting. Prizes were awarded to players who found the black pumpkins hidden throughout Sunnydale.

Thursday, 29 October 2009
Trick or Treat (Part Two)

Witch/Buffy had begun the potion earlier in the week but the vampire Veruca kept interrupting and distracting her. That was before the floating demon pumpkin heads showed up and kept everyone busy.
"It is ready," proclaimed Witch/Buffy.
"Hmm," he replied, "What should it taste like?"
She answered with a wild look in her eyes. "It should taste vile ... with a hint of peppermint."
"Does it taste right?" he asked slyly.
"Let me see," she replied. She took a sip of the potion. Kaezin watched her closely.
Witch/Buffy made a face. "Ugh!" But then for a fleeting moment she felt the oddest sensation of being two people before the enchantment began to re-exert itself.
"We... we must find the source of the madness," she managed to say. "Come."

Suddenly with a roar, one such beast appeared and slammed itself into the pair. Kaezin didn't hesitate. He jumped on the evil gourd and squashed it flat.
"Fine work," declared Witch/Buffy, "You crushed it."
"Yup," replied Kaezin modestly.
There came across the younger, unenchanted Buffy making short work of another pumpkin.
"Ah ha!" cried Witch/Buffy.
"Ah huh?" replied Buffy.
"I remember you." said the Witch. She had seen this one in the library the day before.
Buffy laughed sarcastically, "Nice trick witch... how'd you do that? Almost had me believe the pumpkin was alive."
"Hello Buffy," added Kaezin.
Witch/Buffy turned to Kaezin, "Are you finished with the beast?"
"Then we fly my pretty! We are off to find the source of this chaos."
The younger Buffy looked at her counterpart, "Are you feeling okay, Buffy? You sound a little like.... Dru!"

Wicked Witch/Buffy examined the pentagram and the statue within it. While the younger Buffy patrolled the cemetery, Kaezin had led Witch/Buffy came to the abandoned house and the shrine to Janus he had found.
"I'm not sure...." she replied. She chanted and waved her hands, using dispel magic. "Nothing..."
Kaezin stepped into the magic circle with her and said kindly, "Let's see what happens when I weaken it."
Bolts of electric blue fire shot throughout the room. Kaezin and Witch/Buffy combined their powers to the task.
"Yes that should do it...." said Witch/Buffy. she could feel the enchantment grow paler, still present but almost transparent. She could make out a name. The wizard who had worked this spell.
"Now to find the ..... Ethan....Ethan Rayne....." She shook her head a bit.
"I can smell him..."
Outside the house, Jedi Master/Xander Harris waited for them.
"Find the culprit yet?" he asked.
"We are on his heals," replied Kaezin.
"He is this way," said Witch/Buffy as she led the way.
Jedi/Xander paused, "Hmm....I sense this darkness...the dark side of the Force surrounds this....Ethan." He could make out the name too. The spell was indeed weakening.
As the three crossed the broken ground, they were joined by the younger Faith. Together they approached the obscenity of architecture known as the Wolfram and Hart building.
They would, however, not enter unopposed. In front of the structure, guarding it's access, stood a figure lithe and grey. She exuded violence and venom. It was Veruca. This time she was not there to taunt and tease. This time she wore her swords.
"I will deal with her," said Jedi/Xander, "You get to Ethan."
Buffy, Faith and Kaezin crossed the threshold into the building and climbed the stairs as outside the Jedi and the Vampire joined in combat.

"This is just the beginning you git," snarled Ethan, "The time to choose between sides has begun."
Buffy rubbed her forehead feeling dazed, the persona of the Wicked Witch slipping away. It was like someone opened a curtain in her mind. "Wha... what's going on?"
"Choose sides?" asked Faith.
Ethan explained, "Either way good or evil will destroy the balance of the earth. Nothing in this world exists without good and evil. Don't you get it? That's why I'm with balance! My masters' will continue their plans...either way!"
"Ethan ...Ethan Rayne..." said Buffy as she started to feel normal again for the first time in days.
"And what are those plans?" demanded Faith.
"As for your costume spell....wasn't me.... I did the mojo but....the Dark Cloaks told me to do it...I get paid. The dark cloaks are planning everything for some purpose. I don't know how they are doing it but the story is...they were once on this earth."
"Meanwhile I spend three days looking for red shoes," remarked Buffy dryly.
"Rumor has it that a Dark Cloak was once in league with the Slayers. The only way to know for sure is to ask. Last I was relieved of duty I was followed by another Buffy, a dragon and him."
Ethan pointed to Kaezin.
"Kaez?" asked Buffy.
"The world traveler," confirmed Ethan, "I know about you. People talk."
"Yes they do," answered Kaezin, "Not really a secret though."
"So...tell them who it was under the hood," challenged Ethan.
"The Lady under that hood," began Kaezin, "was someone who looked like ...Willow."
"Oh great..." said Buffy.
"But was it Willow for sure now Kaez?" toyed Ethan, "or just a lookalike?"
"As I said, it was someone who looked like Willow."
"Be careful...Don't let them play their games," Ethan laughed. "Be on your guard...They don't just talk willingly you must fight them ...if you're not on our side anyway..."
Buffy looked at Faith, "Any of this make sense to you?"
Faith stared at something that isn't really there. "None."
Ethan continued speaking in riddles, "...then again I learned to fight through them. From what I've seen they don't die...I mean they do...but they don't die like us and they are not gods."
"Then we'll find a way to defeat them," stated Buffy.
Faith joined in, "Can't you just cut off their heads?I mean, that's a for sure way to kill something."
"No," replied Ethan, "...that stuff wounds them.... for some reason their powers keep them alive."
"They can live without a head?" asked Faith.
"Heads are relative," admitted Kaezin.
Ethan paused, "Oh you have company..."
The slightly younger Buffy burst into the room, followed by Xander, himself but still dressed as a Jedi Master.
"Oh there you are," said the older Buffy, "guess who we found..."
The younger Buffy sighed, "Well if it isn't Ethan "
"...and guess why I've been looking for red shoes for three days?"
"You've been to Oz?" asked the younger Buffy with a smile.
"Very funny."
Ethan dusted himself off, "Hmm....well...have to run...enjoy the rest of your...Halloween." He filled the room with his dark laughter.
"Get lost already," said Faith.
The older Buffy frowned at Ethan, then turned the the exit. "Well, I'm going home," she stated emphatically.
"Are we letting him go?" asked Xander incredulously.
"I've been in these clothes for three days and I need a shower," grumbled Buffy. And nothing short of another apocalypse is going to stop me, she thought.
Trick or Treat (Part One)
It began like any other Hallowe'en.. except of course, they had to explain the whole thing to Redy.. the dressing up and getting candies. Redy, being Redy, preferred the idea of nibbling on candles. Buffy thought this could lead to a whole lot of dark Jack O'Lanterns this year. "Dark" as it turned out, wasn't quite a strong enough word....
I. Somewhere a voice was chanting...
"The world that denies thee, thou inhabit, the peace that ignores me, thou corrupt, Chaos I remain as ever thy faithful degenerate son.... ...Come appear and show to us that which is infinite power, the mask transforms itself into flesh and blood... Janus take the day!"
II. Alice in Wonderland/Buffy ran out of the Magic Box, screaming her head off. The store was full of weapons. She ran down the street past hovering giant pumpkins, only to be confronted by another Buffy.... this one with green skin, dress in black, with a tall, pointed Witch's hat.
"You!" demanded Wicked Witch of the West/Buffy, "Bring me my shoes!" She recognized the other girl and thought maybe this was the elusive Dorothy.
Alice/Buffy backed off. "I don't have them!" she cried.
"Where did you put them?"
Kaezin, who had been observing the two Slayers, interrupted, "um...Buffy?"
Alice/Buffy turned to the friendly demon and asked, "Who's Buffy?"
Kaezin muttered a mild curse.
"I... I'm Alice ... and ... I don't know why I'm here," she turned to the Witch, "And I don't have your slippers."
"Alice. Of course," said Kaezin with a sudden understanding.
"Alice, eh?" Witch/Buffy struggled with her rage, "And your telling me that you didn't drop house on my sister?"
"No! I... I just fell asleep and woke up in this place... "
Witch/Buffy frowned and fumed inwardly.
"I just... I just want to find my sister and get out of here... wherever here is..." continued Alice/Buffy.
"I must find the girl who took my ruby slippers.." said Witch/Buffy, to no one in particular.
"Well... besides being red... what do they look like?" asked the girl.
"They are ruby red and never-you-mind! You just want them for yourself!" spat the Witch, a storm shaping in her eyes.
Alice/Buffy shook her head, "No! No I don't. I just figured I could help is all."
Kaezin felt obliged to add, "...and they're not my color."
III. The trio made their way through the cemetery. Despite the possession, the two Buffys had decided to join forces to find the Witch's ruby slippers and Alice's missing sister. Kaezin, fully aware of what was going on, joined them, and, as always, protecting and guiding.
Wicked Witch/Buffy paused and looked carefully at the path. "These bricks..they are the wrong color..." she said. They should be yellow, she thought.
"Yup," replied Kaezin. "Best watch your step too."
The three moved cautiously through the mist.
Alice/Buffy noticed the large metal structure ahead - the tower built by Glory's minions, "I know that place!"
Witch/Buffy squinted at the tower. "That place? Yes..." She felt a stirring of a memory too. The more she looked at the tower, the more she felt drawn towards it.
Alice/Buffy continued, "Well, you know... that thing. I've seen it before."
The group made their way across the broken and cracked ground to the base of the tower. After some deliberation they made a slow and uneasy ascent, until the two Buffys stood at the beginning of the platform that led to the place
Alice/Buffy spoke, "I... I don't like this."
Witch/Buffy said nothing but her mind was spinning. A house had dropped on her sister. The ruby slippers were stolen. But her sister, her sister was here.... drops of ruby red blood and this vortex had opened... the vortex whirled just off the edge of the platform. She was drawn even closer.
Kaezin interrupted, "Careful. There is water in that."
Witch/Buffy recoiled. "Water!!"
Kaezin continued, "Take you straight to the lake."
Witch/Buffy backed away.
Kaezin made a suggestion, "Let's look for your sister and the shoes someplace else."
The Buffys both nodded and the little group returned to the ground.
IV. Xena/Faith attacked the demonic floating pumpkin with vigor and aggression. Wicked Witch/Buffy stood by and watched. Despite the confines of the sewer tunnel, the warrior woman moved with innate skill and power, destroying the monster in a series of strategic blows. Witch/Buffy was impressed and found herself taking a liking to this one.
"What was that?" demanded Xena/Faith.
"It was a beastly spirit," explained Witch/Buffy.
"One of yours?" asked Xena/Faith.
"No, no," replied Witch/Buffy, "I prefer birds and monkeys."
Xena/Faith sheathed her sword. "Fair enough... so tell me what's going on around here... I should be somewhere else but I'm not."
Witch/Buffy proceeded to tell her about the missing slippers, Alice, and Kaezin the 'ogre smelling of barley and hops'.
Xena/Faith wondered out loud, "Who made those slippers... really good material... ruby .... must have been a creation of the god. But which one? Hephaestus? Seems like his work... god of arts and crafts."
"Can you call this god?" asked Witch/Buffy.
"Not from this area unless he is listening. He has a temple."
The pair could here sounds of fighting from the surface as another demon pumpkin attacked. Instinctively the two Slayers, possessed as they were, headed for the conflict.
V. After fighting a few more demon pumpkins, Xena/Faith and Witch/Buffy, now joined by a younger Faith, determined to discover the source of the chaos. Witch/Buffy had entered a trance and saw the image of a god with two faces. Eager to discover the name of this being, they went to the school library.
The doors of the library were open and in their path stood a man in tan clothes and a brown cloak. His manner projected both power and serenity.
"You in the library!" exclaimed the Witch, "Stand aside!"
Jedi Master/Xander Harris was undisturbed. "Sorry, I'm wondering what this place is."
Young Faith scoffed, "It's another kinda hell." Without a costume, this Faith was acting normally.
"Hell?" asked Jedi/Xander.
"Don't you know what hell is?" replied Young Faith .
Another Buffy entered the library from the book stacks. Without a costume, she too was free from possession. "Hey guys, what's up? Loving the costumes by the way"
"We are searching for the name of a god and I don't have time for trifles," declared Witch/Buffy. "I must consult the books..." And she headed into Giles' office.
Buffy eyed Witch/Buffy's shoes and held back a burst of laughter. She surveyed the rest of the group. "Whoah," she remarked, "Who's the Xander, but only much cooler-in an even geekier way look-alike?"
"Yes," said Jedi/Xander, "I am a Jedi knight and roam on a planet called Coruscant."
"Planet?" asked Xena/Faith
Young Faith rolled her eyes.
Xena/Faith took charge, " guess is this is a time portal."
"Time portal? Hmm," pondered Jedi/Xander.
"Something....someone...a man put us here with a spell...I'm guessing dark magic?" Xena/Faith, a natural leader, looked around, "Yes? Agree anyone?"
"I smell magic here," confirmed Witch/Buffy having returned from the librarian's office, "All around."
"It's possible," added Jedi/Xander.
Young Faith looked at the Witch, "You can smell magic?"
"Dark magic?" asked Jedi/Xander.
"Yes... dark, light, beige...all kinds and colours."
"Do you guys hear that?" asked Young Faith."I heard another pumpkin."
The group moved out of the library just as a floating demon pumpkin crashed into the hallway. It's evil laugh flooded the school.

"The world that denies thee, thou inhabit, the peace that ignores me, thou corrupt, Chaos I remain as ever thy faithful degenerate son.... ...Come appear and show to us that which is infinite power, the mask transforms itself into flesh and blood... Janus take the day!"

"You!" demanded Wicked Witch of the West/Buffy, "Bring me my shoes!" She recognized the other girl and thought maybe this was the elusive Dorothy.
Alice/Buffy backed off. "I don't have them!" she cried.
"Where did you put them?"
Kaezin, who had been observing the two Slayers, interrupted, "um...Buffy?"
Alice/Buffy turned to the friendly demon and asked, "Who's Buffy?"
Kaezin muttered a mild curse.
"I... I'm Alice ... and ... I don't know why I'm here," she turned to the Witch, "And I don't have your slippers."
"Alice. Of course," said Kaezin with a sudden understanding.
"Alice, eh?" Witch/Buffy struggled with her rage, "And your telling me that you didn't drop house on my sister?"
"No! I... I just fell asleep and woke up in this place... "
Witch/Buffy frowned and fumed inwardly.
"I just... I just want to find my sister and get out of here... wherever here is..." continued Alice/Buffy.
"I must find the girl who took my ruby slippers.." said Witch/Buffy, to no one in particular.
"Well... besides being red... what do they look like?" asked the girl.
"They are ruby red and never-you-mind! You just want them for yourself!" spat the Witch, a storm shaping in her eyes.
Alice/Buffy shook her head, "No! No I don't. I just figured I could help is all."
Kaezin felt obliged to add, "...and they're not my color."

Wicked Witch/Buffy paused and looked carefully at the path. "These bricks..they are the wrong color..." she said. They should be yellow, she thought.
"Yup," replied Kaezin. "Best watch your step too."
The three moved cautiously through the mist.
Alice/Buffy noticed the large metal structure ahead - the tower built by Glory's minions, "I know that place!"
Witch/Buffy squinted at the tower. "That place? Yes..." She felt a stirring of a memory too. The more she looked at the tower, the more she felt drawn towards it.
Alice/Buffy continued, "Well, you know... that thing. I've seen it before."
The group made their way across the broken and cracked ground to the base of the tower. After some deliberation they made a slow and uneasy ascent, until the two Buffys stood at the beginning of the platform that led to the place
Alice/Buffy spoke, "I... I don't like this."
Witch/Buffy said nothing but her mind was spinning. A house had dropped on her sister. The ruby slippers were stolen. But her sister, her sister was here.... drops of ruby red blood and this vortex had opened... the vortex whirled just off the edge of the platform. She was drawn even closer.
Kaezin interrupted, "Careful. There is water in that."
Witch/Buffy recoiled. "Water!!"
Kaezin continued, "Take you straight to the lake."
Witch/Buffy backed away.
Kaezin made a suggestion, "Let's look for your sister and the shoes someplace else."
The Buffys both nodded and the little group returned to the ground.

"What was that?" demanded Xena/Faith.
"It was a beastly spirit," explained Witch/Buffy.
"One of yours?" asked Xena/Faith.
"No, no," replied Witch/Buffy, "I prefer birds and monkeys."
Xena/Faith sheathed her sword. "Fair enough... so tell me what's going on around here... I should be somewhere else but I'm not."
Witch/Buffy proceeded to tell her about the missing slippers, Alice, and Kaezin the 'ogre smelling of barley and hops'.
Xena/Faith wondered out loud, "Who made those slippers... really good material... ruby .... must have been a creation of the god. But which one? Hephaestus? Seems like his work... god of arts and crafts."
"Can you call this god?" asked Witch/Buffy.
"Not from this area unless he is listening. He has a temple."
The pair could here sounds of fighting from the surface as another demon pumpkin attacked. Instinctively the two Slayers, possessed as they were, headed for the conflict.

The doors of the library were open and in their path stood a man in tan clothes and a brown cloak. His manner projected both power and serenity.
"You in the library!" exclaimed the Witch, "Stand aside!"
Jedi Master/Xander Harris was undisturbed. "Sorry, I'm wondering what this place is."
Young Faith scoffed, "It's another kinda hell." Without a costume, this Faith was acting normally.
"Hell?" asked Jedi/Xander.
"Don't you know what hell is?" replied Young Faith .
Another Buffy entered the library from the book stacks. Without a costume, she too was free from possession. "Hey guys, what's up? Loving the costumes by the way"
"We are searching for the name of a god and I don't have time for trifles," declared Witch/Buffy. "I must consult the books..." And she headed into Giles' office.
Buffy eyed Witch/Buffy's shoes and held back a burst of laughter. She surveyed the rest of the group. "Whoah," she remarked, "Who's the Xander, but only much cooler-in an even geekier way look-alike?"
"Yes," said Jedi/Xander, "I am a Jedi knight and roam on a planet called Coruscant."
"Planet?" asked Xena/Faith
Young Faith rolled her eyes.
Xena/Faith took charge, " guess is this is a time portal."
"Time portal? Hmm," pondered Jedi/Xander.
"Something....someone...a man put us here with a spell...I'm guessing dark magic?" Xena/Faith, a natural leader, looked around, "Yes? Agree anyone?"
"I smell magic here," confirmed Witch/Buffy having returned from the librarian's office, "All around."
"It's possible," added Jedi/Xander.
Young Faith looked at the Witch, "You can smell magic?"
"Dark magic?" asked Jedi/Xander.
"Yes... dark, light, beige...all kinds and colours."
"Do you guys hear that?" asked Young Faith."I heard another pumpkin."
The group moved out of the library just as a floating demon pumpkin crashed into the hallway. It's evil laugh flooded the school.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Patrol in Sunnydale
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Back to School
Buffy peaked her head into the classroom.
"Hello Casper," she called addressing the young man with his head buried in his book.
"Hello Buffy," he replied looking up briefly.
"Studying hard I see."
"Have to catch up," acknowledged Casper. "Been out a while."
"I see the early risers are here already," said a new voice. It was Miss Javelin the Fine Arts and English supply teacher. Buffy thought, she had an odd manner about her. They had seen her in the cafeteria the other day and she behaved like she had never seen human food before. Then again, the cafeteria food was questionable at best....
Miss Javelin eyed the book that Casper was reading.
Noticing her interest, Casper remarked, "Giles said it would help me get up to speed. I'm not sure this is the book he meant, but...its interesting."
The teacher walked up behind Casper and leaned over his shoulder "An interest in hieroglyphics? Peculiar."
"'Book of Night'... not sure what it has to do with English," said Casper in a puzzled voice.
Miss Javelin quivered as though feeling the presence of a familiar force.
Casper continued, "Some of it isn't even in English."
The teacher smirked awkwardly "Do enjoy your read... I look forward to seeing your book review."
"," answered the student uneasily.
Miss Javelin walked up to the front desk briefly grabbing the side, but then flinched and immediately retracted her hand as a string of gum stretched thin between the bottom of the desk and her index finger.
"I... I..." she began. She paused rubbing the substance between her thumb and index finger. "Can I have a new table here please?"
"Oh! Okay...alright," Buffy was caught off guard. Quickly recovering she added, "I will have maintenance get on it."
The teacher nodded and smiled at Buffy, "Thank you very much." She picked up the duster and wiped the whiteboard clean, while Buffy slipped out of the classroom.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Deep Wounds
Three Weeks Ago...
Pepper dragged herself through the sewers. Her giant spider body oozing blood and bile from the deep cuts she received at the hands of the Buffy from the alternate universe (Buffy Falconer). She dare not shape shift back into her two legged form. She couldn't bare to see what the beating might have done to her.
What scared her more than the wounding however was what the long term consequences could be. This was twice now that she had been humiliated - once by the fiery breath of Redy the small dragon and now by one of the Buffys. Her mother, the demon lord Kailyn, was a conduit for the Senior Partners. What would they think about this failure?
What would they do to her?
Internal Memorandum to the Sunnydale Chamber of Commerce
Concerned about the level of violence and delusional acting out among the youth of Sunnydale, the town elders have begun to sponsor the "Sunnydale Syndrome" Support Group. The activities of this group will be a combination of individual and group counselling along with organized recreational activities designed to encourage self esteem and sensible thinking, and to provide the young with the structures needed to develop into happy, healthy, well-adjusted adults.
The first meeting was held earlier this month. Seated on comfortable pillows on the second floor of the hospital, the attendees made their introduction and shared a little bit about themselves.
The support group is hosted by Dr. Pepper Siamendes. The doctor will soon become a familiar face to our community working both in the Sunnydale Hospital and Blood Bank and at the city morgue.
Dr. Siamendes reports, "Our streets and parks are full of young people crying out for needed attention. Delusional thinking is common. Such absurdities as the belief in the existence of vampires or that most people in Sunnydale have duplicate copies of themselves running around town points to the fragmented emotional condition of today's youth.
"Nevertheless, the young people who have attended our session have all taken the first step towards normalcy. If we can continue to reach out to these young people, and those like them, we can make a difference here in Sunnydale."
Pepper dragged herself through the sewers. Her giant spider body oozing blood and bile from the deep cuts she received at the hands of the Buffy from the alternate universe (Buffy Falconer). She dare not shape shift back into her two legged form. She couldn't bare to see what the beating might have done to her.
What scared her more than the wounding however was what the long term consequences could be. This was twice now that she had been humiliated - once by the fiery breath of Redy the small dragon and now by one of the Buffys. Her mother, the demon lord Kailyn, was a conduit for the Senior Partners. What would they think about this failure?
What would they do to her?
Internal Memorandum to the Sunnydale Chamber of Commerce
Concerned about the level of violence and delusional acting out among the youth of Sunnydale, the town elders have begun to sponsor the "Sunnydale Syndrome" Support Group. The activities of this group will be a combination of individual and group counselling along with organized recreational activities designed to encourage self esteem and sensible thinking, and to provide the young with the structures needed to develop into happy, healthy, well-adjusted adults.
The first meeting was held earlier this month. Seated on comfortable pillows on the second floor of the hospital, the attendees made their introduction and shared a little bit about themselves.
The support group is hosted by Dr. Pepper Siamendes. The doctor will soon become a familiar face to our community working both in the Sunnydale Hospital and Blood Bank and at the city morgue.
Dr. Siamendes reports, "Our streets and parks are full of young people crying out for needed attention. Delusional thinking is common. Such absurdities as the belief in the existence of vampires or that most people in Sunnydale have duplicate copies of themselves running around town points to the fragmented emotional condition of today's youth.
"Nevertheless, the young people who have attended our session have all taken the first step towards normalcy. If we can continue to reach out to these young people, and those like them, we can make a difference here in Sunnydale."
Saturday, 26 September 2009
A Dragon's Tale
Redy, the little Dragon, was very concerned about Buffy. Since the Slayer saw her mothers ghost, she hasn't been the same. The weird insomnia Buffy had was not normal and had to stop. So Redy decided to walk to the hospital with hopes of finding something there which would help Buffy. The little Dragon rummaged in the sterile smelling closets and the different drawers she was able to reach on her tiptoes when she heard a familiar sound. She didn't believe what she just heard. It was a screech. Definitely a screech from another Dragon.
Carefully Redy peeked around the next door and froze. An ugly green kind of Dragon on two legs stood in front of the door to the hospital. He was much bigger than her and wrapped in iron. The small fierce yellow eyes glared at Jai and Andrew (Gabe). A heavy load of fire spit out of the Dragons (Kaezin) mouth and he ordered “Stay back, and no one gets hurt!”
He sniffed in the air and smelled what he was searching for. The ugly head was turning. “I want the Hatchie”
Redy still thought she is dreaming and looked carefully around the corner.
“What do you want here?” Redy asked. “And most of all, how did you get here?” The eyes of the small Dragon widened as she spoke, realizing if another Dragon was able to come to Sunnydale by will, there must be a way out too.
“I want you to come with me.”
Redy frowned again and took some steps back. “You aren't one of my race.”
“Oh … oh … yes I am” the ugly Dragon kneeled down and reached out a claw “I just want to take you home … your mommy sent me … she`s worried.”
Redy`s heart jumped. “You are a liar! My mom was the dragon who was killed by Angel!”
“Just get in the bag,” the stranger enticed.
The little Dragon sobbed, “she is dead …”
A fast claw came close to Redy's face as the bigger Dragon dived at her and tried to put her in his magical bag.
“Hey, watch it tough guy, or Andrew will show you what for!”Andrew took another step back, brandishing his knife “You better... go away, demon. I'm a mighty warrior”.
“Yeah, you show him, Andrew” Jai cheered. “He is mighty, you just brag. He doesn't need to talk tough, he is Andrew the Mighty!”
Andrew thought he looked mighty pale, at least.
The bigger Dragon stood up. “You're coming or your pets start dying”
“Nuuuuuuuuuuu! Don`t hurt them!”
“Then” … big claws opened the magic bag on his side … “hop in”
“Redy over here” Faith whispered but the Baby turned around and shook her head.
The little Dragon looked into the yellow eyes and the thought about having friends here suddenly disappeared in her mind. She reached out to touch the bright light in the bag and the world went black around her.
Faith, Jai, Max and Andrew weren't sure what just happened. It was only sure Redy disappeared and the green big Dragon was laughing evilly. He bowed with a farcical gesture and walked away towards the sewers, mumbling something about “payday”.
In the last moment Faith realized he was making his way to the Hellmouth and she poked the others hard and started running after the Dragon who was just escaping with her little friend.
Half on the way to the sewers they were able to stop him for a bit, but the Dragon was too strong. He ran and jumped into the Hellmouth.
Redy in the meantime was dreaming about campfires and marshmellows and happy storytelling for her and her little brothers and sisters, wrapped up warm by a tail of one of her Elders.
Carefully Redy peeked around the next door and froze. An ugly green kind of Dragon on two legs stood in front of the door to the hospital. He was much bigger than her and wrapped in iron. The small fierce yellow eyes glared at Jai and Andrew (Gabe). A heavy load of fire spit out of the Dragons (Kaezin) mouth and he ordered “Stay back, and no one gets hurt!”
He sniffed in the air and smelled what he was searching for. The ugly head was turning. “I want the Hatchie”
Redy still thought she is dreaming and looked carefully around the corner.

“I want you to come with me.”
Redy frowned again and took some steps back. “You aren't one of my race.”
“Oh … oh … yes I am” the ugly Dragon kneeled down and reached out a claw “I just want to take you home … your mommy sent me … she`s worried.”
Redy`s heart jumped. “You are a liar! My mom was the dragon who was killed by Angel!”
“Just get in the bag,” the stranger enticed.
The little Dragon sobbed, “she is dead …”
A fast claw came close to Redy's face as the bigger Dragon dived at her and tried to put her in his magical bag.
“Hey, watch it tough guy, or Andrew will show you what for!”Andrew took another step back, brandishing his knife “You better... go away, demon. I'm a mighty warrior”.
“Yeah, you show him, Andrew” Jai cheered. “He is mighty, you just brag. He doesn't need to talk tough, he is Andrew the Mighty!”
Andrew thought he looked mighty pale, at least.
The bigger Dragon stood up. “You're coming or your pets start dying”
“Nuuuuuuuuuuu! Don`t hurt them!”
“Then” … big claws opened the magic bag on his side … “hop in”
“Redy over here” Faith whispered but the Baby turned around and shook her head.
The little Dragon looked into the yellow eyes and the thought about having friends here suddenly disappeared in her mind. She reached out to touch the bright light in the bag and the world went black around her.
Faith, Jai, Max and Andrew weren't sure what just happened. It was only sure Redy disappeared and the green big Dragon was laughing evilly. He bowed with a farcical gesture and walked away towards the sewers, mumbling something about “payday”.
In the last moment Faith realized he was making his way to the Hellmouth and she poked the others hard and started running after the Dragon who was just escaping with her little friend.
Half on the way to the sewers they were able to stop him for a bit, but the Dragon was too strong. He ran and jumped into the Hellmouth.
Redy in the meantime was dreaming about campfires and marshmellows and happy storytelling for her and her little brothers and sisters, wrapped up warm by a tail of one of her Elders.
[text by Redy9 Shepherd; picture courtesy Alexandria Panthar]
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Sunnydale Syndrome
[The following is an except from an essay by Jai Raghilda, student, UC Sunnydale. The condition Ms. Raghilda describes is of great importance to anyone concerned with mental health issues and the youth of Sunnydale.]
Sunnydale Syndrome, the new Stockholm
Thesis: People subjected to prolonged periods of severe stress become susceptible to suggestibility.
Location: Sunnydale High School, Sunnydale SL (158, 157, 28)
Subjects: Underground Vigilante group self-nicknamed the "Scoobies"
Note: Scoobie is 1960's drug culture slang for marijuana which persists today and popularized by a mystery solving cartoon "Scooby-Doo"
"Hi I'm Buffy"

"...and me too."

These two "twins" claim to both be Buffy Summers, although one is supposedly from another dimension. One Buffy has a sister named Dawn, but the other Buffy does not.
I introduce myself as a local student attending the community college, which had some exposure to Sunnydale High School. I inform them that I am doing a paper on Stockholm syndrome and related stress related denial mentalities, referring to bystanders naturally. I sprinkle my dialogue with urban contemporary vernacular such as "Sunnydale is whack." They are mostly too self-involved to notice that I am not adept at street slang.
Someone named Redy and Faith and yet another Buffy questioned Pepper, who said that there is some sort of a war coming. Pepper is supposedly a vampire-demon hybrid whose mom is the Demon-God Kailyn, this made possible because her dad is a lawyer.
Pepper wants a Grimoire which will allow her to alter her shape. Four Slayers, two Faiths and two Buffys, and someone named Redy found it. I am unsure if the multitudes of the same person are a club designation or the submerging of personality bonding to an archetype.
A lot of chatter about the grimoire and a key that would unlock it. Mostly about motivations and idle speculation about the contents. Pepper wants to enhance herself before the coming "War of the Demon Gods".
The key is a 15th century renaissance piece which induced a different temperature sensation to different people. The Buffy’s and the Faiths all said it felt cool, Redy said it felt warm, but it burned Dawn's hand. Unsurprising, nobody likes Dawn.
Sunnydale Syndrome, the new Stockholm
Thesis: People subjected to prolonged periods of severe stress become susceptible to suggestibility.
Location: Sunnydale High School, Sunnydale SL (158, 157, 28)
Subjects: Underground Vigilante group self-nicknamed the "Scoobies"
Note: Scoobie is 1960's drug culture slang for marijuana which persists today and popularized by a mystery solving cartoon "Scooby-Doo"
"Hi I'm Buffy"

"...and me too."

These two "twins" claim to both be Buffy Summers, although one is supposedly from another dimension. One Buffy has a sister named Dawn, but the other Buffy does not.
I introduce myself as a local student attending the community college, which had some exposure to Sunnydale High School. I inform them that I am doing a paper on Stockholm syndrome and related stress related denial mentalities, referring to bystanders naturally. I sprinkle my dialogue with urban contemporary vernacular such as "Sunnydale is whack." They are mostly too self-involved to notice that I am not adept at street slang.
Someone named Redy and Faith and yet another Buffy questioned Pepper, who said that there is some sort of a war coming. Pepper is supposedly a vampire-demon hybrid whose mom is the Demon-God Kailyn, this made possible because her dad is a lawyer.
Pepper wants a Grimoire which will allow her to alter her shape. Four Slayers, two Faiths and two Buffys, and someone named Redy found it. I am unsure if the multitudes of the same person are a club designation or the submerging of personality bonding to an archetype.
A lot of chatter about the grimoire and a key that would unlock it. Mostly about motivations and idle speculation about the contents. Pepper wants to enhance herself before the coming "War of the Demon Gods".
The key is a 15th century renaissance piece which induced a different temperature sensation to different people. The Buffy’s and the Faiths all said it felt cool, Redy said it felt warm, but it burned Dawn's hand. Unsurprising, nobody likes Dawn.
Friday, 11 September 2009
Key Insight
"This is the key to the book that's causing all the fuss." Buffy put the old silver key upon the coffee table. The Summers sisters sat in the living room reviewing the events of another day in Sunnydale. Today was particularly difficult as Dawn had been attacked by the cat woman who appeared in town demanding the grimoire be given to her.
"Oh, you have it? You should like hide it," said Dawn.
"Yes ... younger Buffy gave it to slightly older Buffy who gave it to me." Buffy continued. "Redy said it felt warm. Buffy said it felt cool."
"The key?" asked Dawn.
"What do you feel?"
Dawn picked the key up from the table.
"It's ....Whoa" Dawn tossed it in the air. "It's way hot - like fire"
Dawn looked at her hand. "Look, it burned me!"
"Put your hand under water," Buffy said quickly.
Buffy pocketed the key as Dawn headed for the kitchen sink and put her hand under the running water.
"What is that?" asked Dawn. "It hurts."
"Redy wondered if something was living inside the key," replied Buffy.
Dawn took her hand out of the water. Buffy looked at it closely.
"How does it feel?"
"It hurts like hell"
"Do you want a cold compress on that?"
"Nah. Thanks though. I'm gonna go to bed I think."
"That's a good idea. It's been a long day." Buffy smiled.
"Night Buffy."
"Night Dawn."
"Oh, you have it? You should like hide it," said Dawn.
"Yes ... younger Buffy gave it to slightly older Buffy who gave it to me." Buffy continued. "Redy said it felt warm. Buffy said it felt cool."
"The key?" asked Dawn.
"What do you feel?"
Dawn picked the key up from the table.

Dawn looked at her hand. "Look, it burned me!"
"Put your hand under water," Buffy said quickly.
Buffy pocketed the key as Dawn headed for the kitchen sink and put her hand under the running water.
"What is that?" asked Dawn. "It hurts."
"Redy wondered if something was living inside the key," replied Buffy.
Dawn took her hand out of the water. Buffy looked at it closely.
"How does it feel?"
"It hurts like hell"
"Do you want a cold compress on that?"
"Nah. Thanks though. I'm gonna go to bed I think."
"That's a good idea. It's been a long day." Buffy smiled.
"Night Buffy."
"Night Dawn."
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Seek and Go Hide (Part Three)
"Okay, let's start," said Angel [Duncan].
With the exception of the older Buffy, who had remained out on patrol, the gang had returned to the Magic Box. The younger Buffy had found the key in a pipe by the same abandoned building where she had found the grimoire.
"I bet we'll need a spell to open it," said Buffy [Kammy]. "A book this powerful probably won't open for just a key."
Redy took the key and tried to unlock the book with it and wondered why the key was warm.
"A warm key..." remarked Angel.
"What's that mean??" asked Buffy.
The book would not open. "Hmm, nothing happens."
"Are we sure that there is nothing locked in the key?" asked Angel.
"How can something be locked in a key??" said Buffy.
Redy stared at the key in her hands.
"It would be an answer why the key is warm," explained Angel.
Puzzled, Buffy wondered out loud, "Unless we need a spell, a spell to go with the key..."
"...or only the right one can use it." interrupted Redy. "Our elders told us stories about such things. Sometimes things are waiting for the right one to be used by it."
"How are we suppose to know who the right one is??" asked Buffy.
"Maybe you should try it out Buffy," suggested Angel.
"Me?? Why would it be me??"
"Uhm... Slayer? Chosen one?" smiled Redy.
"Oh.. right." Buffy carefully placed her hand on the key preparing for the heat. "It's cool." She was surprised. "It's not warm at all..."
"Try to open it," urged Angel.
Buffy put the key in the lock and tried to turn it. "It won't turn."
The younger Faith [Alexandria] then placed her hand over Buffy's and tried to help her.
"Good idea Faith," said Buffy, "Maybe both of us."
Buffy tried to turn the key with Faith's help. There was an audible *click* and the grimoire opened. The two Slayers looked at each other.
Buffy opened the book. "There's all sorts of spells here...shapeshifting spells. We can't let Pepper get ahold of this book. She could make herself invincible."
"Keep the grimoire here," said the older Faith [Alanna].
"But we need to hide it," said Buffy, "From what I understand....she can shape shift into a mix of more than one creature..."
"That would make her dangerous," added Angel, "We need a good place to hide it"
The group discussed a range of ideas.
"The library would be too obvious...."
"Hide it in the back room under the desk...."
"Maybe Willow could ..."
"We could hide it at my mansion...."
"She will find it, I`m sure...."
"What if the wrong Spike finds it?"
Then the small dragon spoke up. "I could take it. I can`t read it, so there won`t be danger."
"Okay Redy you take the book," said Buffy, "And hide it somewhere, somewhere Pepper would never find it."
"Separate it from the key," added the younger Faith.
"Yes, definitely," agreed Buffy, "I'll take the key."
"For some reason I don`t feel very safe now," said the dragon.
"What's wrong Redy??" asked Buffy.
"Just a feeling," Redy shrugged.
"Give it to Giles," said the older Faith.
"We make decoys,"suggested the younger Faith, "Pretend we never found it."
"I can keep it until I meet Giles again," said Redy, "or until Pepper is able to get me ..."
"She won't be able to open it up," said the younger Faith, "If it took us both the first time B - she can't get in it"
"True," said Buffy, "I'll take the key and hide it outside of Sunnydale...somewhere Pepper can't get her hands on it."
"Let's hope that will help," added Redy, "but .... she will be very angry. We are cheating her and I`m sure she doesn't like it."
"I'm sure she doesn't," said Buffy, "but what choice do we have."
With the exception of the older Buffy, who had remained out on patrol, the gang had returned to the Magic Box. The younger Buffy had found the key in a pipe by the same abandoned building where she had found the grimoire.
"I bet we'll need a spell to open it," said Buffy [Kammy]. "A book this powerful probably won't open for just a key."
Redy took the key and tried to unlock the book with it and wondered why the key was warm.
"A warm key..." remarked Angel.
"What's that mean??" asked Buffy.
The book would not open. "Hmm, nothing happens."
"Are we sure that there is nothing locked in the key?" asked Angel.
"How can something be locked in a key??" said Buffy.
Redy stared at the key in her hands.
"It would be an answer why the key is warm," explained Angel.
Puzzled, Buffy wondered out loud, "Unless we need a spell, a spell to go with the key..."
"...or only the right one can use it." interrupted Redy. "Our elders told us stories about such things. Sometimes things are waiting for the right one to be used by it."
"How are we suppose to know who the right one is??" asked Buffy.
"Maybe you should try it out Buffy," suggested Angel.
"Me?? Why would it be me??"
"Uhm... Slayer? Chosen one?" smiled Redy.
"Oh.. right." Buffy carefully placed her hand on the key preparing for the heat. "It's cool." She was surprised. "It's not warm at all..."
"Try to open it," urged Angel.
Buffy put the key in the lock and tried to turn it. "It won't turn."
The younger Faith [Alexandria] then placed her hand over Buffy's and tried to help her.
"Good idea Faith," said Buffy, "Maybe both of us."
Buffy tried to turn the key with Faith's help. There was an audible *click* and the grimoire opened. The two Slayers looked at each other.
Buffy opened the book. "There's all sorts of spells here...shapeshifting spells. We can't let Pepper get ahold of this book. She could make herself invincible."
"Keep the grimoire here," said the older Faith [Alanna].
"But we need to hide it," said Buffy, "From what I understand....she can shape shift into a mix of more than one creature..."
"That would make her dangerous," added Angel, "We need a good place to hide it"
The group discussed a range of ideas.
"The library would be too obvious...."
"Hide it in the back room under the desk...."
"Maybe Willow could ..."
"We could hide it at my mansion...."
"She will find it, I`m sure...."
"What if the wrong Spike finds it?"
Then the small dragon spoke up. "I could take it. I can`t read it, so there won`t be danger."
"Okay Redy you take the book," said Buffy, "And hide it somewhere, somewhere Pepper would never find it."
"Separate it from the key," added the younger Faith.
"Yes, definitely," agreed Buffy, "I'll take the key."
"For some reason I don`t feel very safe now," said the dragon.
"What's wrong Redy??" asked Buffy.
"Just a feeling," Redy shrugged.
"Give it to Giles," said the older Faith.
"We make decoys,"suggested the younger Faith, "Pretend we never found it."
"I can keep it until I meet Giles again," said Redy, "or until Pepper is able to get me ..."
"She won't be able to open it up," said the younger Faith, "If it took us both the first time B - she can't get in it"
"True," said Buffy, "I'll take the key and hide it outside of Sunnydale...somewhere Pepper can't get her hands on it."
"Let's hope that will help," added Redy, "but .... she will be very angry. We are cheating her and I`m sure she doesn't like it."
"I'm sure she doesn't," said Buffy, "but what choice do we have."
[Thank you Redy for the content for this posting]
Seek and Go Hide (Part Two)

"I found the book upstairs," explained the younger Buffy, "Redy and Faith check the right."
"Three rooms. Three superbeings," remarked the younger Faith.
"One is a toilet and I doubt it's in there."
Redy muttered something about dark and cold and really wanting to be at home again.
"Don't see a key anywhere," said the younger Buffy. As she continued looking Redy and Faith stepped out of the house for some fresh air. From across the field came the older Buffy and older Faith.
"Uhm uhm, Angel is here," Redy pointed out.
"Angel?" asked the older Faith, "Is he now?"
"Oh! Angel?" the older Buffy's [Javelin] face brightened up. "Angel, you're back..."
"Yes," answered Angel [Duncan].
"...anything new?"
"Not really," replied Angel, "I just cant the feeling outta my mind that something big is going on."
Buffy took a deep breath. "Yahh... we all feel that way right about now."
"Maybe I will have to ask some "old friends" about that," continued Angel.
Redy drew a bit closer.
"It's the deep breath before the plunge," remarked Faith.
"I say we go beat up Spike..." added Buffy cheerfully, "that always helps."
Redy interrupted, "Hey now he was very nice the last time."
"Besides," Buffy smiled,"we've come all this way... would be rude to leave without saying hello."
[Thank you Redy for the picture and content for this posting]
Seek and Go Hide (Part One)
"Why don't you two head over to the hospital and the Bronze and see if you can find this book," suggested the older Faith [Alanna].
The Slayers - two Buffys and two Faiths -and Redy, their dragon ally had been combing Sunnydale all day looking for the grimoire of shape shifting spells that Pepper had mentioned. If such a thing indeed existed it was important that they find it before she did.
"The hospital has books?" asked Redy.
"You never know," said the older Faith, This book is obviously owned by someone."
"Hmm, okay."
"Might wanna check Spike's crypt and the mansion Angel lives in too." she added.
"In other words - search everywhere for the book," remarked younger Faith [Alexandria], completing the thought.
Redy sighed.
"Yes but divide...two teams."
Redy wandered out of the Magic Box accompanied by the younger Faith, just as the younger Buffy rushed up.
"Yo. Just in time B," said the younger Faith.
"I got it!" Buffy [Kammy] cried.
" the book?" asked Redy, both pleased and surprised.
"What?? Where?!" asked the younger Faith.
"And for all, from whom?" finished Redy.
The younger Buffy explained. "I was pulled away by some vamps in the sewers and I was able to get enough info out of them to find it in an old abandoned house."
"Oh, oh, oh!" Redy jumped up and down with excitement. Buffy passed the grimoire to the small dragon.
Back inside the Magic Box, Redy put the book upon the table. The cover was made of silver and was secured with a hasp.
"It's locked. Can we open it with something?" asked Redy
"Maybe there's a key there too," added the younger Buffy, "I didn't see one but..."
"I'll go back with you B," volunteered the younger Faith.
"I will come with you," said the dragon.
The Slayers - two Buffys and two Faiths -and Redy, their dragon ally had been combing Sunnydale all day looking for the grimoire of shape shifting spells that Pepper had mentioned. If such a thing indeed existed it was important that they find it before she did.
"The hospital has books?" asked Redy.
"You never know," said the older Faith, This book is obviously owned by someone."
"Hmm, okay."
"Might wanna check Spike's crypt and the mansion Angel lives in too." she added.
"In other words - search everywhere for the book," remarked younger Faith [Alexandria], completing the thought.
Redy sighed.
"Yes but divide...two teams."
Redy wandered out of the Magic Box accompanied by the younger Faith, just as the younger Buffy rushed up.
"Yo. Just in time B," said the younger Faith.
"I got it!" Buffy [Kammy] cried.
" the book?" asked Redy, both pleased and surprised.
"What?? Where?!" asked the younger Faith.
"And for all, from whom?" finished Redy.
The younger Buffy explained. "I was pulled away by some vamps in the sewers and I was able to get enough info out of them to find it in an old abandoned house."
"Oh, oh, oh!" Redy jumped up and down with excitement. Buffy passed the grimoire to the small dragon.
Back inside the Magic Box, Redy put the book upon the table. The cover was made of silver and was secured with a hasp.
"It's locked. Can we open it with something?" asked Redy
"Maybe there's a key there too," added the younger Buffy, "I didn't see one but..."
"I'll go back with you B," volunteered the younger Faith.
"I will come with you," said the dragon.
[Thank you Redy for the content for this posting]
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Web of Lies, Seeds of Doubt (Part Two)
Pepper had left the crypt. As the door swung shut, a cloud of dust stirred from the floor and played around Redy's tail.
"Hmm?" asked Redy.
It was the young Buffy [Kammy]. "Spit it out. What was Pepper talking about? 'Once they realize what you really are.'"
"She is trying to drag me to her side. It's not the first time," Redy shrugged.
"But what.. are you?" asked Buffy.
"I'm a dragon," explained Redy."A baby at the moment, only 758 years old."
"And when you get older...bigger I mean..."
"Then I'm still a dragon, only older and bigger."
"You won't become evil will you?"
Redy smiled. "I only know of one who became evil so far... only one who came back from a trip to the universe and he was ill in mind...."
Buffy didn't reply. Instead she said,"We better find Faith."
Redy nodded.
The young dragon and the young Slayer entered the tunnels beneath Sunnydale through the passage in the rear of the crypt.
As they rejoined Faith [Alanna], suddenly Redy said, "But I know what she is trying."
"Oh??" asked Buffy.
"If she is able to make people afraid of me .... then I'm alone."
"She knows your too valuable to be with us 'cause she is afraid of you," added Faith with a laugh.
Redy and the two Slayers walked through the moss and puddles of water that had collected in the sewers since the flooding of Sunnydale.
"Redy, I trust you," Buffy remarked.
Redy sighed.
Buffy continued, "I was just asking because I don't know a lot about dragons."
Redy paused a moment. "Pepper knows that," she replied.
Soon the patrol drew to a close as Buffy went off on her own.
"Alright...go home Redy" said Faith turning to the small dragon.
"Home?" asked Redy.
"Not much more you can do here," continued Faith.
Redy pouted and then wandered off towards the Magic Box.
"Hmm?" asked Redy.
It was the young Buffy [Kammy]. "Spit it out. What was Pepper talking about? 'Once they realize what you really are.'"
"She is trying to drag me to her side. It's not the first time," Redy shrugged.
"But what.. are you?" asked Buffy.
"I'm a dragon," explained Redy."A baby at the moment, only 758 years old."
"And when you get older...bigger I mean..."
"Then I'm still a dragon, only older and bigger."
"You won't become evil will you?"
Redy smiled. "I only know of one who became evil so far... only one who came back from a trip to the universe and he was ill in mind...."
Buffy didn't reply. Instead she said,"We better find Faith."
Redy nodded.
The young dragon and the young Slayer entered the tunnels beneath Sunnydale through the passage in the rear of the crypt.
As they rejoined Faith [Alanna], suddenly Redy said, "But I know what she is trying."
"Oh??" asked Buffy.
"If she is able to make people afraid of me .... then I'm alone."
"She knows your too valuable to be with us 'cause she is afraid of you," added Faith with a laugh.
Redy and the two Slayers walked through the moss and puddles of water that had collected in the sewers since the flooding of Sunnydale.
"Redy, I trust you," Buffy remarked.
Redy sighed.
Buffy continued, "I was just asking because I don't know a lot about dragons."
Redy paused a moment. "Pepper knows that," she replied.
Soon the patrol drew to a close as Buffy went off on her own.
"Alright...go home Redy" said Faith turning to the small dragon.
"Home?" asked Redy.
"Not much more you can do here," continued Faith.
Redy pouted and then wandered off towards the Magic Box.
[Thank you Redy for submitting the content for this posting]
Friday, 21 August 2009
Web of Lies, Seeds of Doubt (Part One)
The smell of ozone lingered in the air. Threads of spider web on Redy and Faith [Alanna] slowly dissolved. Pepper's hair still smoldered from the lightning blasts the small dragon had blasted across Spike's crypt. Young Buffy [Kammy] stood by with her sword drawn.
Negotiations, however, were going well.
"It doesn't happen that you know something about a new vamp in town, do you?" asked Redy.
"Maybe," shrugged Pepper, "how much is that worth to you?"
"Aha! Maybe...." replied Redy.
Pepper had been out hunting in the form of the giant spider when the Slayers and the dragon had found her and the usual rage and fury had resulted. Then, during a pause in the fighting, Redy had offered Pepper a deal, an exchange of information, with free threats and insults of course. Pepper was never one to let an opportunity like that pass by.
"Okay, I'll tell you what I know....but in exchange I want something too," offered Pepper.
"What might that be?" asked Faith.
"A grimoire, a magic book of spells about shape shifting. I can naturally shift into a spider, because that is what I am. But I want more.. more forms... "
"We could wrap you in toilet paper," said Redy,"I'm sure it would make a great mummy."
Buffy smirked.
Pepper ignored the barb, "So, do we have a deal? A book for information?"
"I don't like the sound of that," said Buffy.
"Do you know where this grimoire is?" pressed Faith.
"No idea or I wouldn't ask you..." Pepper thought for a moment "Okay, tell you keep an eye out for my book..."
"For your book?" interrupted Redy.
"...and as a gesture of good faith..." Pepper looked at Faith and cleared her throat, "I will give you this information for free."
Faith jumped at the offer. "Done.. it's a deal."
"Wait," cried Buffy, "What's a deal?"
Before Buffy could offer objections, Pepper started to tell them about the vampire returning to town and about what she knew about the demon god Genous. It didn't matter to Pepper that they knew. She owed nothing to any of these other demons. It was more important that she find out about the grimoire. It may not exist. It may be only a rumor but Pepper didn't have the resources these Slayers had to find such a thing. She didn't expect them to give her this book. However, if they found it, then she at least knew who she had to kill to get it.
When she had finished answering their questions, Pepper turned to the small dragon. "You are a feisty one..."
"Who me? 'Says the vamp,'" laughed Redy.
"I like your style. Are you sure you don't want to switch sides?"
"Don't like me too much," warned Redy, "It could kill you."
"You know, they will kill you when you get bigger...." Pepper said with a sly smile.
Redy laughed again.
"You will scare them you see," added Pepper.
"Be sure, they won't be alive then. None of you will be. Dragons are made for eternity and they grow slowly." offered Redy.
"They kill what they are afraid of," continued Pepper. "Once they realize what you really are...."
"Then they could kill you too, you know," countered Redy with a smile.
Pepper shrugged. "They try...only you made a difference."
Young Buffy interrupted, "What is she talking about Redy?"
"Well, I think I've said enough," finished Pepper.
Redy glared at Pepper.
Pepper looked at the dragon, "I will see you around Redy..."
"That's for sure."
Pepper nodded at Faith and Buffy. "Bye Slayers."
"Spidey," said Buffy.
Pepper walked out of the crypt. She didn't let it show, but it took all she had to turn her back on the dragon that had burned her.
Negotiations, however, were going well.
"It doesn't happen that you know something about a new vamp in town, do you?" asked Redy.
"Maybe," shrugged Pepper, "how much is that worth to you?"
"Aha! Maybe...." replied Redy.
Pepper had been out hunting in the form of the giant spider when the Slayers and the dragon had found her and the usual rage and fury had resulted. Then, during a pause in the fighting, Redy had offered Pepper a deal, an exchange of information, with free threats and insults of course. Pepper was never one to let an opportunity like that pass by.
"Okay, I'll tell you what I know....but in exchange I want something too," offered Pepper.
"What might that be?" asked Faith.
"A grimoire, a magic book of spells about shape shifting. I can naturally shift into a spider, because that is what I am. But I want more.. more forms... "
"We could wrap you in toilet paper," said Redy,"I'm sure it would make a great mummy."
Buffy smirked.
Pepper ignored the barb, "So, do we have a deal? A book for information?"
"I don't like the sound of that," said Buffy.
"Do you know where this grimoire is?" pressed Faith.
"No idea or I wouldn't ask you..." Pepper thought for a moment "Okay, tell you keep an eye out for my book..."
"For your book?" interrupted Redy.
"...and as a gesture of good faith..." Pepper looked at Faith and cleared her throat, "I will give you this information for free."
Faith jumped at the offer. "Done.. it's a deal."
"Wait," cried Buffy, "What's a deal?"
Before Buffy could offer objections, Pepper started to tell them about the vampire returning to town and about what she knew about the demon god Genous. It didn't matter to Pepper that they knew. She owed nothing to any of these other demons. It was more important that she find out about the grimoire. It may not exist. It may be only a rumor but Pepper didn't have the resources these Slayers had to find such a thing. She didn't expect them to give her this book. However, if they found it, then she at least knew who she had to kill to get it.
When she had finished answering their questions, Pepper turned to the small dragon. "You are a feisty one..."
"Who me? 'Says the vamp,'" laughed Redy.
"I like your style. Are you sure you don't want to switch sides?"
"Don't like me too much," warned Redy, "It could kill you."
"You know, they will kill you when you get bigger...." Pepper said with a sly smile.
Redy laughed again.
"You will scare them you see," added Pepper.
"Be sure, they won't be alive then. None of you will be. Dragons are made for eternity and they grow slowly." offered Redy.
"They kill what they are afraid of," continued Pepper. "Once they realize what you really are...."
"Then they could kill you too, you know," countered Redy with a smile.
Pepper shrugged. "They try...only you made a difference."
Young Buffy interrupted, "What is she talking about Redy?"
"Well, I think I've said enough," finished Pepper.
Redy glared at Pepper.
Pepper looked at the dragon, "I will see you around Redy..."
"That's for sure."
Pepper nodded at Faith and Buffy. "Bye Slayers."
"Spidey," said Buffy.
Pepper walked out of the crypt. She didn't let it show, but it took all she had to turn her back on the dragon that had burned her.
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Team Deathmatch
The Chalice of Juturna was restored and the waters that threatened to swallow Sunnydale were turned back. The eight responsible each received a magic sword as reward.
Having being defeated at the hands of Buffy and owners of two of these swords, Pepper is now in the process of reconstituting and is vowing revenge. Slayers and scoobies must try to stop her and her allies as she transforms and strengthens.
Having being defeated at the hands of Buffy and owners of two of these swords, Pepper is now in the process of reconstituting and is vowing revenge. Slayers and scoobies must try to stop her and her allies as she transforms and strengthens.
[from game guidelines by Zeno Baxton]

Suddenly, she came upon a dark figure standing confidently among the monuments. The pale moon illumined his face. Here was someone she knew. Here was the ally she needed.
"You...I know you," she stated "You serve the Master too."
The vampire, Xander Harris [Soara], turned to face the skeletal form before him. "Yes I do," he replied.
Pepper croaked, "That dragon and the Slayer.. they did this to me... burned me with that dragon breath." She held out her arms indicating her skinless state.
"And her scoobies I imagine," added Xander helpfully.
Her voice whistled through the bones of her body. It was filled with despair and rage. "I want them all to pay! I can feel myself returning... it's slower than it should be."
"Show them no mercy," directed Xander. He stopped and sniffed the air, "I smell company."
"Good, good," added Pepper with dark glee. "I want revenge. I can feel it in my bones."
Final score
Javelin Somerset (Buffy) - 5 kills
Kreng Jonson (Daniel) - 3 kills
Merissa Frostbyte - 0 kills
Redy9 Shepherd - 1 kill
Kaezin Freng (joining game in progress) - 0 kills
Pepper Siamendes - 1 kill
Soara Jewell (Xander) - 1 kill
Pepper could take the defeat. She could take the bruising. Her normal body had finally reconstituted and she even managed to draw some blood today. What she couldn't stand though was the gloating from the victorious scoobies.
She tried to put a brave face on things, after all it was nice to have a face again. "Okay Slayer... you may have won this round...."
Merissa interrupted, "We're white hats. We always win."
"Tsk," said Buffy. "Save it, heard it all before... 'you may have won the match, but the war will be mine' yada yada yada..."
Merissa added, "How about 'I will have my revenge.'.... "
Daniel joined in, "When will the bad guys get new lines? Seriously, they're older than old!"
Merissa continued, "...or 'You will RUE the day you crossed me!'"
Pepper scowled. This was very frustrating. "Come on Xander...the Master will not be please..."
"Yah! Now THAT's original," fired Buffy.
"...but I'd rather face him than have to listen to this lot."
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Restless Bones

"That's Pepper?" asked the older Buffy [Zeno]. "I thought Redy dusted her."
Two Buffys stood examining the skeleton resting on the steel table. They were in the laboratory of the Wolfram and Hart building.
The younger Buffy covered her nose, "Eh, that smell. We did. I thought we did. "
"Like baked spider..." The older Buffy looked closely at the bones. she pointed, "You can see the fangs."
"Something about this isn't right...."
The older Buffy looked up, "Kaezin told me she might reconstitute... you know like orange juice."
The older Buffy continued, "She's half demon. The vamp in some ways is easy to kill..."
"But half demon.... not so much" The younger Buffy finished the sentence.
The skeleton twitched then quickly leaped from the table to the marble floor. A ghostly voice croaked, "Hello Ladies"
The young Buffy snapped, "Hey Pepper, you're looking rather boney."
Pepper gave a hoarse laugh.
"I knew you needed to lose weight but I think you took it a little far," continued Buffy.
"Yes, a little slender I will admit. Of course, no heart yet. It takes a while to grow back. So no fear of stakes."
"Yet assuming you are around long enough for it to grow back."
Pepper laughed. "Oh not to worry about that..."
"And why is that?"
"Because I'm outa here." Pepper bolted for the stairs. Both Buffys hollered as the skeleton disappeared out of the building and into the night.
The fog rolled between the gravestone. Somewhere a dog howled.
The two Buffys met on the broken ground near the Wolfram and Hart building.
The younger of the two spoke first, "She got away...."
"She can't get far looking like that...she will have to hide."
"Yeah, especially with all the stray dogs," added young Buffy with a laugh.
The New Sword

"That's a serious looking sword," added Buffy [Zeno]. "What does that symbol at the end mean?"
"Buffy...the other Buffy, thought maybe the pummel was important," said Kaezin.
Buffy and Kaezin had come to the Wicca Adademy hoping to find some answers about the nature of Kaezin's new sword. He had received the weapon in a quest to restore the Chalice of Juturna, the Roman Goddess of Waters and in doing so helped turn back the sea water that had threatened to swallow Sunnydale. It had watered down his beer he said.
"Protection," explained Laken, one of the head witches in the local coven.
"Like a shield of some kind?" asked Buffy
There was a gentle knocking at the door. Redy, the small dragon slipped quietly into the room. Buffy and Kaezin greeted her with smiles.
Laken elaborated, "This sword will protect those who bare it." She then turned and warmly greeted the dragon. "Hello dear one."
"...and it makes a great bottle opener," added Kaezin.
Laken continued, "You're a fortunate demon Kaezin but you earned this gift all the same... a champions sword."
"It's shiny," acknowledged Kaezin
"Caution," warned Laken, "Protection is a neutral thing. The power you wield can be so dangerous in the wrong hands. The sword is yours but not bound to you ..if taken it will serve
that master."
Redy interjected "So it isn`t just a sword?"
"Great," said Kaezin, "So the Mayor may want this added to his collection."
"Yes," replied Laken, "I imagine he would."
Laken again turned to the small dragon. "Tea Redy?" she asked.
Redy looked at the sharp thingy and thought it would be only a toothpick for the older ones of her family. "Tea," she smiled at Laken, "Thank you."
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
The Abyss (Part Two)
A total of eight players completed the Abyss Quest.
These players are, in order:
1. Kaezin Freng - winner of a Roleplayer + membership
2. Hathor Ronas
3. Merissa Frostbite
4. Spike Warwillow
5. Alanna Vilotta
6. Soara Jewell
7. Redy9 Shepherd
8. Darth Chrome
Congratulations to all who participated!
These players are, in order:
1. Kaezin Freng - winner of a Roleplayer + membership
2. Hathor Ronas
3. Merissa Frostbite
4. Spike Warwillow
5. Alanna Vilotta
6. Soara Jewell
7. Redy9 Shepherd
8. Darth Chrome
Congratulations to all who participated!

Friday, 7 August 2009
The Abyss
"The consequences of the time rift had began to show its age, the Scoobies thought they’d seen it all. But little did they know what the ‘new future’ holds for them. Ever since the beginning of the spatiotemporal crisis, our heroes had set course for a new journey into a multitude of parallel futures. One of these futures, was on course to hit Sunnydale with an aquatic force. This future belonged to a timeline where Good had lost the war against Evil, every last slayer defeated, and the Earth overrun by Evil itself.
"Many centuries ago, ‘The Guardians’, a pagan stronghold whom kept a close eye on the first Watchers, predicted this fate would one day come. As a desperate measure to defend the future Earth, they’d cursed Sunnydale with a spell that would submerge the city in water, and along with it, the Hellmouth. In order to do this, they had stolen the Chalice of Juturna (Roman Goddess of water), and shattered it, scattering its pieces far from the Hellmouth. However, The Guardians failed to foresee the reality that stands today… every generation living together and breathing the same space."
The new way of getting to class.
Hathor and Xander fighting a demon-ammonite.
[Congratulations to Kaezin Freng and Hathor Ronas the first two players to complete the quest: finding all sixteen pieces, solving the riddles and restoring the broken chalice to wholeness.
Congratulations and thank you to Javelin Somerset who designed and developed this weekend-long puzzle game.]

[from game guidelines by Javelin Somerset]

[Congratulations to Kaezin Freng and Hathor Ronas the first two players to complete the quest: finding all sixteen pieces, solving the riddles and restoring the broken chalice to wholeness.
Congratulations and thank you to Javelin Somerset who designed and developed this weekend-long puzzle game.]
Monday, 3 August 2009
The Slayer's Scythe (Part Three)
Buffy-bot stood quietly in the jail cell, her lost scythe now resting in her right hand. The voice that whispered in her head was silent now, as if it had completed it task and had no further reason to exist.
Officers Freng and Rosenberg had left the station house. The last thing Officer Freng had said was that "the Mayor will be informed." Buffy-bot wasn't sure why but she thought this was important.
The door of the police station hissed open.
"I don't understand this world..."
Buffy-bot looked up at the new voice. It was Glory.
"You have a nice toy and I want this toy..."
"I have found my scythe," announced Buffy-bot.
"..this Scythe in my bedroom. Perfect. Oh you are a robot. Sorry, you don't understand. Humans don't understand me."
Buffy-bot looked at Glory and stated, "You are Glory... you have lost your key."
"Yes Buffy-bot. My thing, it's my KEY. Have you information Buffy-bot?"
"I can't tell you. I must protect Dawn."
"No," replied Glory with a smile, "you must love can tell me all."
Buffy-bot stood quietly in the jail cell, her lost scythe now resting in her right hand. The voice that whispered in her head was silent now, as if it had completed it task and had no further reason to exist.
Officers Freng and Rosenberg had left the station house. The last thing Officer Freng had said was that "the Mayor will be informed." Buffy-bot wasn't sure why but she thought this was important.
The door of the police station hissed open.
"I don't understand this world..."
Buffy-bot looked up at the new voice. It was Glory.
"You have a nice toy and I want this toy..."
"I have found my scythe," announced Buffy-bot.
"..this Scythe in my bedroom. Perfect. Oh you are a robot. Sorry, you don't understand. Humans don't understand me."
Buffy-bot looked at Glory and stated, "You are Glory... you have lost your key."
"Yes Buffy-bot. My thing, it's my KEY. Have you information Buffy-bot?"
"I can't tell you. I must protect Dawn."
"No," replied Glory with a smile, "you must love can tell me all."
Saturday, 1 August 2009
The Slayer's Scythe (Part Two)
The sounds of battle filled the abandoned house - electrical discharges from the Tesla maces crackled and the clang of swords and axes.
Buffy-bot wandered calmly from room to room fixated on her task. She stopped and asked the small dragon who stood in the doorway. "Do you have my scythe?"
The dragon replied with a steady stream of crossbow bolts that hit Buffy-bot with series of thuds. Buffy-bot started swinging and didn't stop until the dragon stopped moving.
Buffy-bot kept looking until she suddenly came across it behind the old sofa.
"Oh, there is my scythe," she reported to no one in particular. "I found my scythe."
"Very good," said Officer Freng, "Let's get it back to the station."
Willow [Faith C] tried to argue with Buffy-bot. "It's Buffy Scythe, not yours."
"I must take it somewhere safe. I know.... I will take it to the police station."
"It was somewhere safe." cried Willow, "The police are evil, Buffy-bot. They are tricking you!"
"Office Freng... he is Sunnydale's Finest... he will know what to do," declared Buffy-bot.
"They are not the good guys," explained Willow.
"I will go there now," declared Buffy-bot.
"Nuuuuuuu!" cried Redy, the dragon.
"No you won't," said Willow.
Buffy-bot had walked some distance from the abandoned house when Willow caught up with her. Willow struck Buffy-bot and Buffy-bot struck her back. Their battle raged across the broken ground of the darkside of Sunnydale. They traded blows wordlessly, evenly matched until the police officers and Scoobies rushed to the scene.
"You are are my friend...Willow I have to get my scythe to somewhere safe," Buffy-bot tried to explain.
A crowd had gathered around them - police officers, Buffy's friends, vampires and the dragon. Each one trying to be helpful.
"The Cops, are... not your friends.," said Willow
"Follow me back to the station," said Officer Rosenberg [Bellarata].
"Bring it to the dragon. It will keep it safe," whispered Redy.
Buffy-bot found this very confusing. She looked around and called out, "Spike..?" He would know what to do.
"Yes," answered Spike.
But then the voice that whispered in her head grew louder, and it drowned out all other voices. Buffy-bot turned to the police officer.
"You are Officer Freng... you are Sunnydale's Finest," she declared.
"Yes," replied the police officer, his eyes giving off a red demonic glow, "and you need to come back to the station with me."
"I need to come back to the station with you," Buffy-bot echoed.
"..or hand me the shiny scythe.."
Willow cried out, "No! Don't!"
Buffy-bot raised her arm slowly and she carefully handed the scythe to Officer Freng.
"No Buffy!" screamed Willow.
"Buffy!" said Spike.
"Nuuuuuuu!" cried Redy.
Then Officer Freng did something that Buffy-bot didn't understand at all. Officer Freng threw back his head and laughed.
Buffy-bot wandered calmly from room to room fixated on her task. She stopped and asked the small dragon who stood in the doorway. "Do you have my scythe?"
The dragon replied with a steady stream of crossbow bolts that hit Buffy-bot with series of thuds. Buffy-bot started swinging and didn't stop until the dragon stopped moving.
Buffy-bot kept looking until she suddenly came across it behind the old sofa.
"Oh, there is my scythe," she reported to no one in particular. "I found my scythe."
"Very good," said Officer Freng, "Let's get it back to the station."
Willow [Faith C] tried to argue with Buffy-bot. "It's Buffy Scythe, not yours."
"I must take it somewhere safe. I know.... I will take it to the police station."
"It was somewhere safe." cried Willow, "The police are evil, Buffy-bot. They are tricking you!"
"Office Freng... he is Sunnydale's Finest... he will know what to do," declared Buffy-bot.
"They are not the good guys," explained Willow.
"I will go there now," declared Buffy-bot.
"Nuuuuuuu!" cried Redy, the dragon.
"No you won't," said Willow.
Buffy-bot had walked some distance from the abandoned house when Willow caught up with her. Willow struck Buffy-bot and Buffy-bot struck her back. Their battle raged across the broken ground of the darkside of Sunnydale. They traded blows wordlessly, evenly matched until the police officers and Scoobies rushed to the scene.
"You are are my friend...Willow I have to get my scythe to somewhere safe," Buffy-bot tried to explain.
A crowd had gathered around them - police officers, Buffy's friends, vampires and the dragon. Each one trying to be helpful.
"The Cops, are... not your friends.," said Willow
"Follow me back to the station," said Officer Rosenberg [Bellarata].
"Bring it to the dragon. It will keep it safe," whispered Redy.
Buffy-bot found this very confusing. She looked around and called out, "Spike..?" He would know what to do.
"Yes," answered Spike.
But then the voice that whispered in her head grew louder, and it drowned out all other voices. Buffy-bot turned to the police officer.
"You are Officer Freng... you are Sunnydale's Finest," she declared.
"Yes," replied the police officer, his eyes giving off a red demonic glow, "and you need to come back to the station with me."
"I need to come back to the station with you," Buffy-bot echoed.
"..or hand me the shiny scythe.."
Willow cried out, "No! Don't!"
Buffy-bot raised her arm slowly and she carefully handed the scythe to Officer Freng.
"No Buffy!" screamed Willow.
"Buffy!" said Spike.
"Nuuuuuuu!" cried Redy.
Then Officer Freng did something that Buffy-bot didn't understand at all. Officer Freng threw back his head and laughed.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
The Slayer's Scythe (Part One)
Buffy-bot 2.0 marched through the sewer. Her scythe was here somewhere. She knew it. The voice that whispered in her head said it was so.
She turned the corner of and saw something more precious to her than the missing weapon. It was Spike rushing towards her with his Tesla mace ablaze and in his right hand.
"You are have washboard abs," she announced.
Spike slowed his approach. "Looking for something Slayer?" he asked. Here was her anchor. He would know what to do.
"Have you seen my scythe Spike?"
"Listen, you have to find the scythe and bring it to me."
"I lost it."
"No, you must find it...find it and bring it to me."
"It's under there," Buffy-bot pointed to the ground.
Spike made a noise then he ran away down the tunnel. Perplexed, Buffy-bot watched him go.
Soon she came across several police officers who also looked like they were searching for something.
"I found Spike," she announced. "He will help me find my scythe."
Officer Willow Rosenberg [Bellarata], the soulless vampire, asked, "Do we need Spike?"
"I need him very much," replied Buffy-bot
"It does look like the scythe from the records I hope." remarked Officer Freng, his red demonic eyes flashing in the dim light.
"He will help find my scythe."
"Good," replied Officer Freng. "Now find the scythe."
Buffy-bot thought this was very nice. Everyone she spoke with so far encouraged her to find her scythe. She tried to be helpful, "Maybe Willow knows...she used my scythe and it bleached her hair."
"Yes," commented Officer Rosenberg, " and not a good color for us either."
"I miss Spike," sighed Buffy-bot. "I will find him."
As she wandered off, she heard Officer Freng asked his companions, "Who is monitoring the Scoobies?"
The ground near the cemetary was broken and uneven. Buffy-bot saw Spike up ahead in front of an old abandoned house. He was standing side by side with Willow [Faith C] and Xander [Soara]. Behind them stood a small green dragon.
The police officers had the house surrounded but Buffy-bot paid no attention to them. There was only one person she wanted to talk with.
"Hello Spike...I missed you."
"Hello ...thing."
"You have washboard abs," she remarked.
"Oh please," said Spike.
Willow laughed.
"Oh Spike, oh Spike. I need you Spike," implored Buffy-bot
"Spike don't listen to her," warned Willow.
Redy kicked Spike to wake him up. "Oi!" hollered Spike.
"Will you help me find my scythe?" asked Buffy-bot.
"Spike! It's not Buffy, you know that," said Willow.
"Think I'm falling for this robot?" snapped Spike.
Meanwhile, Officer Freng pointed to Redy the dragon "Do you have a license for that thing?"
Officer Rosenberg interjected, "Sir, I can have animal control on the line in seconds."
While the police prepared for their raid, Buffy-bot walked into the empty house.
She turned the corner of and saw something more precious to her than the missing weapon. It was Spike rushing towards her with his Tesla mace ablaze and in his right hand.
"You are have washboard abs," she announced.
Spike slowed his approach. "Looking for something Slayer?" he asked. Here was her anchor. He would know what to do.
"Have you seen my scythe Spike?"
"Listen, you have to find the scythe and bring it to me."
"I lost it."
"No, you must find it...find it and bring it to me."
"It's under there," Buffy-bot pointed to the ground.
Spike made a noise then he ran away down the tunnel. Perplexed, Buffy-bot watched him go.
Soon she came across several police officers who also looked like they were searching for something.
"I found Spike," she announced. "He will help me find my scythe."
Officer Willow Rosenberg [Bellarata], the soulless vampire, asked, "Do we need Spike?"
"I need him very much," replied Buffy-bot
"It does look like the scythe from the records I hope." remarked Officer Freng, his red demonic eyes flashing in the dim light.
"He will help find my scythe."
"Good," replied Officer Freng. "Now find the scythe."
Buffy-bot thought this was very nice. Everyone she spoke with so far encouraged her to find her scythe. She tried to be helpful, "Maybe Willow knows...she used my scythe and it bleached her hair."
"Yes," commented Officer Rosenberg, " and not a good color for us either."
"I miss Spike," sighed Buffy-bot. "I will find him."
As she wandered off, she heard Officer Freng asked his companions, "Who is monitoring the Scoobies?"
The ground near the cemetary was broken and uneven. Buffy-bot saw Spike up ahead in front of an old abandoned house. He was standing side by side with Willow [Faith C] and Xander [Soara]. Behind them stood a small green dragon.
The police officers had the house surrounded but Buffy-bot paid no attention to them. There was only one person she wanted to talk with.
"Hello Spike...I missed you."
"Hello ...thing."
"You have washboard abs," she remarked.
"Oh please," said Spike.
Willow laughed.
"Oh Spike, oh Spike. I need you Spike," implored Buffy-bot
"Spike don't listen to her," warned Willow.
Redy kicked Spike to wake him up. "Oi!" hollered Spike.
"Will you help me find my scythe?" asked Buffy-bot.
"Spike! It's not Buffy, you know that," said Willow.
"Think I'm falling for this robot?" snapped Spike.
Meanwhile, Officer Freng pointed to Redy the dragon "Do you have a license for that thing?"
Officer Rosenberg interjected, "Sir, I can have animal control on the line in seconds."
While the police prepared for their raid, Buffy-bot walked into the empty house.
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