Wednesday 6 June 2007

My second life: an introduction.

About six months ago I logged in to Second Life for the first time. I am not going into a long-winded definition of what SL is as many others have defined it much better than I (not least Linden Labs themselves - I had heard about it from a friend of mine, and it sounded fascinating, but I'd never actually gotten around to joining. Several years ago I had been part of another virtual world called Cybertown, which although extremely crude by SL's standards was ground-breaking at the time. I fell in love instantly. This was something that I had been looking for ever since I picked up my first William Gibson book. It is, in fact pretty much defined in the Gibson book "Idoru" The place is both so large, and so detailed that the concept of the internet suddenly becomes clearer. It is like a three dimensional visualisation of the net superimposed on a model of our world. I signed up creating my Second Life name of mysteryn11 Vollmar. mysteryn11 is an alter-ego and avatar I have used on the internet since the early 90's and of which I may write about another time. This was my birthday. This blogg is my exploration of the grid, my initiation into the society of Second Life, and my thoughts and feelings on what happens there.

Mysteryn11 Vollmar

This is the blogg that inspired me: