Wednesday 7 November 2007

WindLight: is it going to destroy the SL experience?
Interesting, if scary article on the implications of the Wind Light system in Second Life. Should we be concerned that it is "coming soon"?

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Buffys (actual) House build

Buffys (actual) House, originally uploaded by mysteryn11 Vollmar.

I'm going to be doing a build of this house for the SIM. After all, it's been the site of many exciting episodes, and will be a fun visit for vamps and slayers alike. The slanting roof is the characteristic part I suppose; and being european, I'm really not used to these American-style town houses, but I'll just have to try my best. Maybe I'll use it as a model for building plots on the SIM too.

Monday 5 November 2007

The Buffets #1

The Buffets #1, originally uploaded by mysteryn11 Vollmar.

These four girls made the evening really special: see if you can spot who is who?

The Bronze, Preview Night at Sunnydale-SL

Well, despite Jude and I being stressed out of our minds towards the end, the party went off more-or-less hitch free.
Heather Martynov DJ'ed all night as Alexei Beaumont was not able to make it - so we had banging electro-clash and electronica all night to keep everyone happy. We had massive amounts of visitors from the Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Sunnydale Vampires, and the Therapists plus some extras which really made the whole party go off with a bang. We'll be shooting for the opening at the end of November now, with me really focusing completely on the build and functionality of the SIM. Exciting stuff indeed.
From now on the Bronze stream will be so you can tune in wherever you are, either in world or out. I'll be posting up pictures from the party soon. Myst

Friday 2 November 2007

Thursday 1 November 2007

Second Life Island settings

Yes; at some point us island owners have to get down to the nitty-gritty of administering the island. It's like setting up the playing field, and is important to get right it seems. Any changed you make here are big, and impact on the whole island so are pretty important. There is a good Second Life Wiki article on it all here: