Saturday 31 October 2009

Hallowe'en Ball

Friday, October 30 our Hallowe'en Week Festivities came to a climax with the 2009 Hallowe'en Ball at the Bronze.

With Sunnydale DJ Isabelle Torok spinning the hot tunes, the fun and dancing got underway.

Even the evil floating pumpkins got in the act, drifting into the Bronze, causing grief and mayhem all in good fun. These pumpkins had been attacking the good folk of Sunnydale all week.

Everyone came in costume and Hallowe'en themed party dress. Vampires, witches, elves ... and one very real animal!

This event concluded a week of roleplay and pumpkin hunting. Prizes were awarded to players who found the black pumpkins hidden throughout Sunnydale.

Thursday 29 October 2009

Trick or Treat (Part Two)

VI. Kaezin watched Wicked Witch/Buffy stirring the cauldron. It was his idea that she prepare a potion. Clearly there was an enchantment upon the people of Sunnydale, and Kaezin believed they could use the potion to clear the heads of those befuddled by the spell.

Witch/Buffy had begun the potion earlier in the week but the vampire Veruca kept interrupting and distracting her. That was before the floating demon pumpkin heads showed up and kept everyone busy.

"It is ready," proclaimed Witch/Buffy.

"Hmm," he replied, "What should it taste like?"

She answered with a wild look in her eyes. "It should taste vile ... with a hint of peppermint."

"Does it taste right?" he asked slyly.

"Let me see," she replied. She took a sip of the potion. Kaezin watched her closely.

Witch/Buffy made a face. "Ugh!" But then for a fleeting moment she felt the oddest sensation of being two people before the enchantment began to re-exert itself.

"We... we must find the source of the madness," she managed to say. "Come."

VII. As the pair crossed the Sunnydale Commons, the nexus of pumpkin demon activity. These floating creatures, with their arcane chanting and deep dark laughter, assaulted anyone who happened to be close by.

Suddenly with a roar, one such beast appeared and slammed itself into the pair. Kaezin didn't hesitate. He jumped on the evil gourd and squashed it flat.

"Fine work," declared Witch/Buffy, "You crushed it."

"Yup," replied Kaezin modestly.

There came across the younger, unenchanted Buffy making short work of another pumpkin.

"Ah ha!" cried Witch/Buffy.

"Ah huh?" replied Buffy.

"I remember you." said the Witch. She had seen this one in the library the day before.

Buffy laughed sarcastically, "Nice trick witch... how'd you do that? Almost had me believe the pumpkin was alive."

"Hello Buffy," added Kaezin.

Witch/Buffy turned to Kaezin, "Are you finished with the beast?"


"Then we fly my pretty! We are off to find the source of this chaos."

The younger Buffy looked at her counterpart, "Are you feeling okay, Buffy? You sound a little like.... Dru!"

VIII."Can you counter its magic?" asked Kaezin

Wicked Witch/Buffy examined the pentagram and the statue within it. While the younger Buffy patrolled the cemetery, Kaezin had led Witch/Buffy came to the abandoned house and the shrine to Janus he had found.

"I'm not sure...." she replied. She chanted and waved her hands, using dispel magic. "Nothing..."

Kaezin stepped into the magic circle with her and said kindly, "Let's see what happens when I weaken it."

Bolts of electric blue fire shot throughout the room. Kaezin and Witch/Buffy combined their powers to the task.

"Yes that should do it...." said Witch/Buffy. she could feel the enchantment grow paler, still present but almost transparent. She could make out a name. The wizard who had worked this spell.

"Now to find the ..... Ethan....Ethan Rayne....." She shook her head a bit.


"I can smell him..."

Outside the house, Jedi Master/Xander Harris waited for them.

"Find the culprit yet?" he asked.

"We are on his heals," replied Kaezin.

"He is this way," said Witch/Buffy as she led the way.

Jedi/Xander paused, "Hmm....I sense this darkness...the dark side of the Force surrounds this....Ethan." He could make out the name too. The spell was indeed weakening.

As the three crossed the broken ground, they were joined by the younger Faith. Together they approached the obscenity of architecture known as the Wolfram and Hart building.

They would, however, not enter unopposed. In front of the structure, guarding it's access, stood a figure lithe and grey. She exuded violence and venom. It was Veruca. This time she was not there to taunt and tease. This time she wore her swords.

"I will deal with her," said Jedi/Xander, "You get to Ethan."

Buffy, Faith and Kaezin crossed the threshold into the building and climbed the stairs as outside the Jedi and the Vampire joined in combat.

IX. Kaezin slashed with his steel claws and Ethan finally fell to the cold, marble floor. His new spells and healing powers had made the battle a long one.

"This is just the beginning you git," snarled Ethan, "The time to choose between sides has begun."

Buffy rubbed her forehead feeling dazed, the persona of the Wicked Witch slipping away. It was like someone opened a curtain in her mind. "Wha... what's going on?"

"Choose sides?" asked Faith.

Ethan explained, "Either way good or evil will destroy the balance of the earth. Nothing in this world exists without good and evil. Don't you get it? That's why I'm with balance! My masters' will continue their plans...either way!"

"Ethan ...Ethan Rayne..." said Buffy as she started to feel normal again for the first time in days.

"And what are those plans?" demanded Faith.

"As for your costume spell....wasn't me.... I did the mojo but....the Dark Cloaks told me to do it...I get paid. The dark cloaks are planning everything for some purpose. I don't know how they are doing it but the story is...they were once on this earth."

"Meanwhile I spend three days looking for red shoes," remarked Buffy dryly.

"Rumor has it that a Dark Cloak was once in league with the Slayers. The only way to know for sure is to ask. Last I was relieved of duty I was followed by another Buffy, a dragon and him."

Ethan pointed to Kaezin.

"Kaez?" asked Buffy.

"The world traveler," confirmed Ethan, "I know about you. People talk."

"Yes they do," answered Kaezin, "Not really a secret though."

"So...tell them who it was under the hood," challenged Ethan.

"The Lady under that hood," began Kaezin, "was someone who looked like ...Willow."

"Oh great..." said Buffy.

"But was it Willow for sure now Kaez?" toyed Ethan, "or just a lookalike?"

"As I said, it was someone who looked like Willow."

"Be careful...Don't let them play their games," Ethan laughed. "Be on your guard...They don't just talk willingly you must fight them ...if you're not on our side anyway..."

Buffy looked at Faith, "Any of this make sense to you?"

Faith stared at something that isn't really there. "None."

Ethan continued speaking in riddles, "...then again I learned to fight through them. From what I've seen they don't die...I mean they do...but they don't die like us and they are not gods."

"Then we'll find a way to defeat them," stated Buffy.

Faith joined in, "Can't you just cut off their heads?I mean, that's a for sure way to kill something."

"No," replied Ethan, "...that stuff wounds them.... for some reason their powers keep them alive."

"They can live without a head?" asked Faith.

"Heads are relative," admitted Kaezin.

Ethan paused, "Oh you have company..."

The slightly younger Buffy burst into the room, followed by Xander, himself but still dressed as a Jedi Master.

"Oh there you are," said the older Buffy, "guess who we found..."

The younger Buffy sighed, "Well if it isn't Ethan "

"...and guess why I've been looking for red shoes for three days?"

"You've been to Oz?" asked the younger Buffy with a smile.

"Very funny."

Ethan dusted himself off, "Hmm....well...have to run...enjoy the rest of your...Halloween." He filled the room with his dark laughter.

"Get lost already," said Faith.

The older Buffy frowned at Ethan, then turned the the exit. "Well, I'm going home," she stated emphatically.

"Are we letting him go?" asked Xander incredulously.

"I've been in these clothes for three days and I need a shower," grumbled Buffy. And nothing short of another apocalypse is going to stop me, she thought.

Trick or Treat (Part One)

It began like any other Hallowe'en.. except of course, they had to explain the whole thing to Redy.. the dressing up and getting candies. Redy, being Redy, preferred the idea of nibbling on candles. Buffy thought this could lead to a whole lot of dark Jack O'Lanterns this year. "Dark" as it turned out, wasn't quite a strong enough word....

I. Somewhere a voice was chanting...

"The world that denies thee, thou inhabit, the peace that ignores me, thou corrupt, Chaos I remain as ever thy faithful degenerate son.... ...Come appear and show to us that which is infinite power, the mask transforms itself into flesh and blood... Janus take the day!"

II. Alice in Wonderland/Buffy ran out of the Magic Box, screaming her head off. The store was full of weapons. She ran down the street past hovering giant pumpkins, only to be confronted by another Buffy.... this one with green skin, dress in black, with a tall, pointed Witch's hat.

"You!" demanded Wicked Witch of the West/Buffy, "Bring me my shoes!" She recognized the other girl and thought maybe this was the elusive Dorothy.

Alice/Buffy backed off. "I don't have them!" she cried.

"Where did you put them?"

Kaezin, who had been observing the two Slayers, interrupted, "um...Buffy?"

Alice/Buffy turned to the friendly demon and asked, "Who's Buffy?"

Kaezin muttered a mild curse.

"I... I'm Alice ... and ... I don't know why I'm here," she turned to the Witch, "And I don't have your slippers."

"Alice. Of course," said Kaezin with a sudden understanding.

"Alice, eh?" Witch/Buffy struggled with her rage, "And your telling me that you didn't drop house on my sister?"

"No! I... I just fell asleep and woke up in this place... "

Witch/Buffy frowned and fumed inwardly.

"I just... I just want to find my sister and get out of here... wherever here is..." continued Alice/Buffy.

"I must find the girl who took my ruby slippers.." said Witch/Buffy, to no one in particular.

"Well... besides being red... what do they look like?" asked the girl.

"They are ruby red and never-you-mind! You just want them for yourself!" spat the Witch, a storm shaping in her eyes.

Alice/Buffy shook her head, "No! No I don't. I just figured I could help is all."

Kaezin felt obliged to add, "...and they're not my color."

III. The trio made their way through the cemetery. Despite the possession, the two Buffys had decided to join forces to find the Witch's ruby slippers and Alice's missing sister. Kaezin, fully aware of what was going on, joined them, and, as always, protecting and guiding.

Wicked Witch/Buffy paused and looked carefully at the path. "These bricks..they are the wrong color..." she said. They should be yellow, she thought.

"Yup," replied Kaezin. "Best watch your step too."

The three moved cautiously through the mist.

Alice/Buffy noticed the large metal structure ahead - the tower built by Glory's minions, "I know that place!"

Witch/Buffy squinted at the tower. "That place? Yes..." She felt a stirring of a memory too. The more she looked at the tower, the more she felt drawn towards it.

Alice/Buffy continued, "Well, you know... that thing. I've seen it before."

The group made their way across the broken and cracked ground to the base of the tower. After some deliberation they made a slow and uneasy ascent, until the two Buffys stood at the beginning of the platform that led to the place

Alice/Buffy spoke, "I... I don't like this."

Witch/Buffy said nothing but her mind was spinning. A house had dropped on her sister. The ruby slippers were stolen. But her sister, her sister was here.... drops of ruby red blood and this vortex had opened... the vortex whirled just off the edge of the platform. She was drawn even closer.

Kaezin interrupted, "Careful. There is water in that."

Witch/Buffy recoiled. "Water!!"

Kaezin continued, "Take you straight to the lake."

Witch/Buffy backed away.

Kaezin made a suggestion, "Let's look for your sister and the shoes someplace else."

The Buffys both nodded and the little group returned to the ground.

IV. Xena/Faith attacked the demonic floating pumpkin with vigor and aggression. Wicked Witch/Buffy stood by and watched. Despite the confines of the sewer tunnel, the warrior woman moved with innate skill and power, destroying the monster in a series of strategic blows. Witch/Buffy was impressed and found herself taking a liking to this one.

"What was that?" demanded Xena/Faith.

"It was a beastly spirit," explained Witch/Buffy.

"One of yours?" asked Xena/Faith.

"No, no," replied Witch/Buffy, "I prefer birds and monkeys."

Xena/Faith sheathed her sword. "Fair enough... so tell me what's going on around here... I should be somewhere else but I'm not."

Witch/Buffy proceeded to tell her about the missing slippers, Alice, and Kaezin the 'ogre smelling of barley and hops'.

Xena/Faith wondered out loud, "Who made those slippers... really good material... ruby .... must have been a creation of the god. But which one? Hephaestus? Seems like his work... god of arts and crafts."

"Can you call this god?" asked Witch/Buffy.

"Not from this area unless he is listening. He has a temple."

The pair could here sounds of fighting from the surface as another demon pumpkin attacked. Instinctively the two Slayers, possessed as they were, headed for the conflict.

V. After fighting a few more demon pumpkins, Xena/Faith and Witch/Buffy, now joined by a younger Faith, determined to discover the source of the chaos. Witch/Buffy had entered a trance and saw the image of a god with two faces. Eager to discover the name of this being, they went to the school library.

The doors of the library were open and in their path stood a man in tan clothes and a brown cloak. His manner projected both power and serenity.

"You in the library!" exclaimed the Witch, "Stand aside!"

Jedi Master/Xander Harris was undisturbed. "Sorry, I'm wondering what this place is."

Young Faith scoffed, "It's another kinda hell." Without a costume, this Faith was acting normally.

"Hell?" asked Jedi/Xander.

"Don't you know what hell is?" replied Young Faith .

Another Buffy entered the library from the book stacks. Without a costume, she too was free from possession. "Hey guys, what's up? Loving the costumes by the way"

"We are searching for the name of a god and I don't have time for trifles," declared Witch/Buffy. "I must consult the books..." And she headed into Giles' office.

Buffy eyed Witch/Buffy's shoes and held back a burst of laughter. She surveyed the rest of the group. "Whoah," she remarked, "Who's the Xander, but only much cooler-in an even geekier way look-alike?"

"Yes," said Jedi/Xander, "I am a Jedi knight and roam on a planet called Coruscant."

"Planet?" asked Xena/Faith

Young Faith rolled her eyes.

Xena/Faith took charge, " guess is this is a time portal."

"Time portal? Hmm," pondered Jedi/Xander.

"Something....someone...a man put us here with a spell...I'm guessing dark magic?" Xena/Faith, a natural leader, looked around, "Yes? Agree anyone?"

"I smell magic here," confirmed Witch/Buffy having returned from the librarian's office, "All around."

"It's possible," added Jedi/Xander.

Young Faith looked at the Witch, "You can smell magic?"

"Dark magic?" asked Jedi/Xander.

"Yes... dark, light, beige...all kinds and colours."

"Do you guys hear that?" asked Young Faith."I heard another pumpkin."

The group moved out of the library just as a floating demon pumpkin crashed into the hallway. It's evil laugh flooded the school.

Friday 23 October 2009

Patrol in Sunnydale

Buffy and Faith look at the body of the fallen werewolf killed by the other Faith only to find it is their friend Oz.

The vampires attack. Veruca and friend ransack the library looking for a magical spell book.

Merissa, the powerful Witch from the Order of Guardians, calls upon the Power of the Spider and transforms herself, in order to drive the giant spider demon into the sea.

Buffy and Buffy explore the crypts in Sunnydale hunting the recently turned.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Back to School

Lunch time at Sunnydale High

Back to School

Buffy peaked her head into the classroom.

"Hello Casper," she called addressing the young man with his head buried in his book.

"Hello Buffy," he replied looking up briefly.

"Studying hard I see."

"Have to catch up," acknowledged Casper. "Been out a while."

"I see the early risers are here already," said a new voice. It was Miss Javelin the Fine Arts and English supply teacher. Buffy thought, she had an odd manner about her. They had seen her in the cafeteria the other day and she behaved like she had never seen human food before. Then again, the cafeteria food was questionable at best....

Miss Javelin eyed the book that Casper was reading.

Noticing her interest, Casper remarked, "Giles said it would help me get up to speed. I'm not sure this is the book he meant, but...its interesting."

The teacher walked up behind Casper and leaned over his shoulder "An interest in hieroglyphics? Peculiar."

"'Book of Night'... not sure what it has to do with English," said Casper in a puzzled voice.

Miss Javelin quivered as though feeling the presence of a familiar force.

Casper continued, "Some of it isn't even in English."

The teacher smirked awkwardly "Do enjoy your read... I look forward to seeing your book review."

"," answered the student uneasily.

Miss Javelin walked up to the front desk briefly grabbing the side, but then flinched and immediately retracted her hand as a string of gum stretched thin between the bottom of the desk and her index finger.

"I... I..." she began. She paused rubbing the substance between her thumb and index finger. "Can I have a new table here please?"

"Oh! Okay...alright," Buffy was caught off guard. Quickly recovering she added, "I will have maintenance get on it."

The teacher nodded and smiled at Buffy, "Thank you very much." She picked up the duster and wiped the whiteboard clean, while Buffy slipped out of the classroom.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Deep Wounds

Three Weeks Ago...

Pepper dragged herself through the sewers. Her giant spider body oozing blood and bile from the deep cuts she received at the hands of the Buffy from the alternate universe (Buffy Falconer). She dare not shape shift back into her two legged form. She couldn't bare to see what the beating might have done to her.

What scared her more than the wounding however was what the long term consequences could be. This was twice now that she had been humiliated - once by the fiery breath of Redy the small dragon and now by one of the Buffys. Her mother, the demon lord Kailyn, was a conduit for the Senior Partners. What would they think about this failure?

What would they do to her?

[Doctor Siamendes, Xander, Redy, Buffy and Oz]


Internal Memorandum to the Sunnydale Chamber of Commerce

Concerned about the level of violence and delusional acting out among the youth of Sunnydale, the town elders have begun to sponsor the "Sunnydale Syndrome" Support Group. The activities of this group will be a combination of individual and group counselling along with organized recreational activities designed to encourage self esteem and sensible thinking, and to provide the young with the structures needed to develop into happy, healthy, well-adjusted adults.

The first meeting was held earlier this month. Seated on comfortable pillows on the second floor of the hospital, the attendees made their introduction and shared a little bit about themselves.

The support group is hosted by Dr. Pepper Siamendes. The doctor will soon become a familiar face to our community working both in the Sunnydale Hospital and Blood Bank and at the city morgue.

Dr. Siamendes reports, "Our streets and parks are full of young people crying out for needed attention. Delusional thinking is common. Such absurdities as the belief in the existence of vampires or that most people in Sunnydale have duplicate copies of themselves running around town points to the fragmented emotional condition of today's youth.

"Nevertheless, the young people who have attended our session have all taken the first step towards normalcy. If we can continue to reach out to these young people, and those like them, we can make a difference here in Sunnydale."