Witch/Buffy had begun the potion earlier in the week but the vampire Veruca kept interrupting and distracting her. That was before the floating demon pumpkin heads showed up and kept everyone busy.
"It is ready," proclaimed Witch/Buffy.
"Hmm," he replied, "What should it taste like?"
She answered with a wild look in her eyes. "It should taste vile ... with a hint of peppermint."
"Does it taste right?" he asked slyly.
"Let me see," she replied. She took a sip of the potion. Kaezin watched her closely.
Witch/Buffy made a face. "Ugh!" But then for a fleeting moment she felt the oddest sensation of being two people before the enchantment began to re-exert itself.
"We... we must find the source of the madness," she managed to say. "Come."

Suddenly with a roar, one such beast appeared and slammed itself into the pair. Kaezin didn't hesitate. He jumped on the evil gourd and squashed it flat.
"Fine work," declared Witch/Buffy, "You crushed it."
"Yup," replied Kaezin modestly.
There came across the younger, unenchanted Buffy making short work of another pumpkin.
"Ah ha!" cried Witch/Buffy.
"Ah huh?" replied Buffy.
"I remember you." said the Witch. She had seen this one in the library the day before.
Buffy laughed sarcastically, "Nice trick witch... how'd you do that? Almost had me believe the pumpkin was alive."
"Hello Buffy," added Kaezin.
Witch/Buffy turned to Kaezin, "Are you finished with the beast?"
"Then we fly my pretty! We are off to find the source of this chaos."
The younger Buffy looked at her counterpart, "Are you feeling okay, Buffy? You sound a little like.... Dru!"

Wicked Witch/Buffy examined the pentagram and the statue within it. While the younger Buffy patrolled the cemetery, Kaezin had led Witch/Buffy came to the abandoned house and the shrine to Janus he had found.
"I'm not sure...." she replied. She chanted and waved her hands, using dispel magic. "Nothing..."
Kaezin stepped into the magic circle with her and said kindly, "Let's see what happens when I weaken it."
Bolts of electric blue fire shot throughout the room. Kaezin and Witch/Buffy combined their powers to the task.
"Yes that should do it...." said Witch/Buffy. she could feel the enchantment grow paler, still present but almost transparent. She could make out a name. The wizard who had worked this spell.
"Now to find the ..... Ethan....Ethan Rayne....." She shook her head a bit.
"I can smell him..."
Outside the house, Jedi Master/Xander Harris waited for them.
"Find the culprit yet?" he asked.
"We are on his heals," replied Kaezin.
"He is this way," said Witch/Buffy as she led the way.
Jedi/Xander paused, "Hmm....I sense this darkness...the dark side of the Force surrounds this....Ethan." He could make out the name too. The spell was indeed weakening.
As the three crossed the broken ground, they were joined by the younger Faith. Together they approached the obscenity of architecture known as the Wolfram and Hart building.
They would, however, not enter unopposed. In front of the structure, guarding it's access, stood a figure lithe and grey. She exuded violence and venom. It was Veruca. This time she was not there to taunt and tease. This time she wore her swords.
"I will deal with her," said Jedi/Xander, "You get to Ethan."
Buffy, Faith and Kaezin crossed the threshold into the building and climbed the stairs as outside the Jedi and the Vampire joined in combat.

"This is just the beginning you git," snarled Ethan, "The time to choose between sides has begun."
Buffy rubbed her forehead feeling dazed, the persona of the Wicked Witch slipping away. It was like someone opened a curtain in her mind. "Wha... what's going on?"
"Choose sides?" asked Faith.
Ethan explained, "Either way good or evil will destroy the balance of the earth. Nothing in this world exists without good and evil. Don't you get it? That's why I'm with balance! My masters' will continue their plans...either way!"
"Ethan ...Ethan Rayne..." said Buffy as she started to feel normal again for the first time in days.
"And what are those plans?" demanded Faith.
"As for your costume spell....wasn't me.... I did the mojo but....the Dark Cloaks told me to do it...I get paid. The dark cloaks are planning everything for some purpose. I don't know how they are doing it but the story is...they were once on this earth."
"Meanwhile I spend three days looking for red shoes," remarked Buffy dryly.
"Rumor has it that a Dark Cloak was once in league with the Slayers. The only way to know for sure is to ask. Last I was relieved of duty I was followed by another Buffy, a dragon and him."
Ethan pointed to Kaezin.
"Kaez?" asked Buffy.
"The world traveler," confirmed Ethan, "I know about you. People talk."
"Yes they do," answered Kaezin, "Not really a secret though."
"So...tell them who it was under the hood," challenged Ethan.
"The Lady under that hood," began Kaezin, "was someone who looked like ...Willow."
"Oh great..." said Buffy.
"But was it Willow for sure now Kaez?" toyed Ethan, "or just a lookalike?"
"As I said, it was someone who looked like Willow."
"Be careful...Don't let them play their games," Ethan laughed. "Be on your guard...They don't just talk willingly you must fight them ...if you're not on our side anyway..."
Buffy looked at Faith, "Any of this make sense to you?"
Faith stared at something that isn't really there. "None."
Ethan continued speaking in riddles, "...then again I learned to fight through them. From what I've seen they don't die...I mean they do...but they don't die like us and they are not gods."
"Then we'll find a way to defeat them," stated Buffy.
Faith joined in, "Can't you just cut off their heads?I mean, that's a for sure way to kill something."
"No," replied Ethan, "...that stuff wounds them.... for some reason their powers keep them alive."
"They can live without a head?" asked Faith.
"Heads are relative," admitted Kaezin.
Ethan paused, "Oh you have company..."
The slightly younger Buffy burst into the room, followed by Xander, himself but still dressed as a Jedi Master.
"Oh there you are," said the older Buffy, "guess who we found..."
The younger Buffy sighed, "Well if it isn't Ethan "
"...and guess why I've been looking for red shoes for three days?"
"You've been to Oz?" asked the younger Buffy with a smile.
"Very funny."
Ethan dusted himself off, "Hmm....well...have to run...enjoy the rest of your...Halloween." He filled the room with his dark laughter.
"Get lost already," said Faith.
The older Buffy frowned at Ethan, then turned the the exit. "Well, I'm going home," she stated emphatically.
"Are we letting him go?" asked Xander incredulously.
"I've been in these clothes for three days and I need a shower," grumbled Buffy. And nothing short of another apocalypse is going to stop me, she thought.
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