"That's Pepper?" asked the older Buffy [Zeno]. "I thought Redy dusted her."
Two Buffys stood examining the skeleton resting on the steel table. They were in the laboratory of the Wolfram and Hart building.
The younger Buffy covered her nose, "Eh, that smell. We did. I thought we did. "
"Like baked spider..." The older Buffy looked closely at the bones. she pointed, "You can see the fangs."
"Something about this isn't right...."
The older Buffy looked up, "Kaezin told me she might reconstitute... you know like orange juice."
The older Buffy continued, "She's half demon. The vamp in some ways is easy to kill..."
"But half demon.... not so much" The younger Buffy finished the sentence.
The skeleton twitched then quickly leaped from the table to the marble floor. A ghostly voice croaked, "Hello Ladies"
The young Buffy snapped, "Hey Pepper, you're looking rather boney."
Pepper gave a hoarse laugh.
"I knew you needed to lose weight but I think you took it a little far," continued Buffy.
"Yes, a little slender I will admit. Of course, no heart yet. It takes a while to grow back. So no heart...no fear of stakes."
"Yet assuming you are around long enough for it to grow back."
Pepper laughed. "Oh not to worry about that..."
"And why is that?"
"Because I'm outa here." Pepper bolted for the stairs. Both Buffys hollered as the skeleton disappeared out of the building and into the night.
The fog rolled between the gravestone. Somewhere a dog howled.
The two Buffys met on the broken ground near the Wolfram and Hart building.
The younger of the two spoke first, "She got away...."
"She can't get far looking like that...she will have to hide."
"Yeah, especially with all the stray dogs," added young Buffy with a laugh.
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