"The consequences of the time rift had began to show its age, the Scoobies thought they’d seen it all. But little did they know what the ‘new future’ holds for them. Ever since the beginning of the spatiotemporal crisis, our heroes had set course for a new journey into a multitude of parallel futures. One of these futures, was on course to hit Sunnydale with an aquatic force. This future belonged to a timeline where Good had lost the war against Evil, every last slayer defeated, and the Earth overrun by Evil itself.

"Many centuries ago, ‘The Guardians’, a pagan stronghold whom kept a close eye on the first Watchers, predicted this fate would one day come. As a desperate measure to defend the future Earth, they’d cursed Sunnydale with a spell that would submerge the city in water, and along with it, the Hellmouth. In order to do this, they had stolen the Chalice of Juturna (Roman Goddess of water), and shattered it, scattering its pieces far from the Hellmouth. However, The Guardians failed to foresee the reality that stands today… every generation living together and breathing the same space."
[from game guidelines by Javelin Somerset]

The new way of getting to class.

Hathor and Xander fighting a demon-ammonite.
[Congratulations to Kaezin Freng and Hathor Ronas the first two players to complete the quest: finding all sixteen pieces, solving the riddles and restoring the broken chalice to wholeness.
Congratulations and thank you to Javelin Somerset who designed and developed this weekend-long puzzle game.]
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