Merissa Frost was from an order of Witches that dated back to Egypt, whose duty was to watch over all active Hellmouths. And here she insisted on doing a ritual at the Hellmouth to, in her words, "summon one of Anubis' guards."
The candles flickered and the incense smoke curled and twisted. Merissa opened her book.
"I call on the Gods of the Nile. Bast and Anubis. The gods of Ma'ip and Neter Ket. We who have served you require a guardian. Send him forth now." She started the incantation, first in Latin and then what can only be Ancient Egyptian, ending on a high pitched counterpoint.
She turned to the two Buffys [Zeno and Diana] and warned, "It's going to get real light in here and then real dark."

One Buffy coughed, "Woah, stinky... smells like wet cat"
The other Buffy covered her nose.
Merissa smiled, "Funny you should mention that..."
Suddenly before them was a large white tiger with black stripes. Both Buffys suddenly went on guard.

Then the tiger spoke, "marsha blooz ma r'izz ... shi zuut sar myazrakk sar"
"He? you mean it worked?" asked Buffy.
"Yep. I wasn't sure it would. He got stuck in transit. But he's here," replied Merissa.
She then addressed the tiger, "I summoned you because here is where the breakdown in reality is."
She turned to the Slayers "Buffys, he's going to take, well, a humanoid shape. I warn you. He appears nearly naked." Then just as the witch predicted, the tiger shifted shape into that of a tall naked man.
The guardian spoke again, this time in English, "I sense a paradox. I see one in fact....You summoned me, Merissa. That means you've found a Necromancer or something worse. And who are the girls?"
"Multiple timeline versions of the Vampire Slayer," answered Merissa.
"You have passed to the afterlife and were brought back. It wasn't necromancy which brought you and it was done with pure intent. I bear you no ill will."
Buffy smiled and replied, "Well that's a relief... I'd hate to have to send you on your way since you just got here."
The guardian smiled, only half indulgently, "Of course."
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