Redy the dragon stood before her, and with Pepper on the ground, they were looking eye to eye.
" can tell your stories," began the dragon.
"Let me go!" demanded Pepper.
"Uh no," remarked Willow, the ensouled vampire-witch.
"Nah, I like you hog tied," added Hathor, the vampire who lived with the lycan, a traitor to her own kind.
"Let me go and I'll tell you..."
"Nice try," returned the dragon,"You will tell us or you will stay until sunrise."
Pepper growled with rage.
"Information first or I'll put you on a cross to BBQ when the sunrise approaches." Hathor smiled sweetly revealing her fangs.
Pepper paused for a moment then started talking, "They want the scythe, the Slayer's scythe. Arresting the Slayers? That's gravy. Making a new bot from the designs of the old one? That's just an opportunity. It's always been the scythe they wanted. Willow used it.... will use it... to activate all the Slayers that can be..."
Hathor interrupted, "What's so great about this Scythe...I've heard about it once before."
Redy replied, "I can remember old stories .. this scythe has great powers but they will need white magic for it."
From her awkward position on the ground Pepper looked around at then all, "Has it never occurred to any of you ... maybe Willow's spell can be undone....a world without slayers!"
Pepper struggled against her bonds, "Okay I told you..let me loose."
"I like the idea of letting you rot in the sun personally," said Hathor.
Redy mused, "Let's think ... what will happen when we let you go?"
"She'll be up to no good again, I'm sure, "answered Willow.
"So what are you going to do with me then?" asked Pepper.
Hathor got down on her knees, pushed Pepper's hair back and looking at her said, "Yes I take my answer out on vampires for making me a beast. You, on the other hand, I won't kill just now but I will do this." She smirked and sank her teeth into Pepper's neck.
Pepper screamed, "I'll get you for this..."

Pepper fumed, "Okay.... what else do you want?"
"Aha, birdy is singing." Redy asked, "Do they already have info where the scythe is?"
"I don't know for sure... but they stopped trying to get the one the Slayer has already. They plan to dig it out of the ground."
"So where are they digging?" asked Willow
Pepper almost smiled, " No one noticed the signs in town? Sewer repair?"
"Ah. The old sewer repair trick?" Willow shook her head. "I missed the signs. I so embarrassed."
"Every little bit of information you can provide keeps me from draining you down to no vital blood," added Hathor.
"Drain away Hathor.... my dad's a lawyer...and mom is Kailyn. I never stay down for long."
"No, I'll give you that," remarked Willow, and looking at Hathor she asked "Did she give us enough?"
"Perhaps I should take you down to 0.25 liters of blood....See if you can crawl to the safety of the shadows from the Sun's reach."
Pepper started to wiggle, trying to crawl away She grunted in frustration. "Wait!" she cried out, "at least put me indoors."
"I think we have what we needed from her and I got more than she took." Hathor looked to the other vampire, "Want to take a drink?"
Willow replied, "Erm, I'm good. I've tasted her before, not much with the yummy."
Sensing what she thought was opportunity Pepper looked at Redy, "Doesn't this make you uncomfortable? How long before they are feeding off you?
"Don`t worry about me"
"You can't trust them ..."
Willow rolled her eyes.
"Yes, your right. We're done here with Spiderman." Hathor cut the binding with a hidden knife, but not before hitting Pepper hard on the back of the head to knock her out a bit. Pepper's head hit the dirt.
As the hue of the sun starting to appear Hathor said, "I need to get out of the sun before I'm roasted. I'll stay in Spikes crypt I guess." She made a face as if not caring for sharing rooms with the guy. "I could have killed her...but I'm being nice..." She said moving towards Spike's crypt.
Before unconsciousness finally took her, Pepper felt the dragon drag her into the safety of the shadows and heard her say, "The hairy thingy could have other info some day for us."
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