Pepper quickly lowered the goblet of blood behind the counter as the door of the bar crashed open. Pepper had been hoping to have a good long chat with Willow the vampire... find out what motivates her and maybe even forge an alliance.
But now Buffy and Faith stepped in the room. Pepper sighed. Can't a vampire get any quality time with her friends without a slayer or two showing up, looking for information and spoiling the fun?
Buffy got straight to the point, "I don't suppose a Slayer dropped by here any chance? A big guy... blue eyes."
Vampire Willow quipped, "As opposed to the slayer trash that is already here?"
"So when did you two become friends?" Pepper asked.
Sometimes there was friction between these two Slayers. Pepper hoped that this was one of those times. She tried to shift the conversation.
"Faith you really should be with us..."
"Been there, done that, reformed."
"..and Buffy here... all the Buffys, none of them trust you! So Faith... what do you say? Come take a walk on the wild side. "
"Don't think so Hun...Thanks for the offer though really"

"They are trying to get me on their side B, no defenses on your part?"
Willow jumped in, "Faith, we'd appreciate you."
But Buffy cut through the obvious ploy, "Alright... enough chit haven't answered my question..."
Oh well, Pepper thought, if we can't tear them apart, we can still tear them up into little pieces. Pepper smiled, showing her fangs, her forehead wrinkling. She was, if nothing else, an optimist.
* * *
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