Monday 1 June 2009


Mr. Trick is up to, tricks again. He is assembling a team of assassins to kill Buffy and Faith. He still captured Cordelia along with Buffy, but this time he didn't count on so many slayers...

Based on events from the episode "Homecoming", SlayerFest came to Sunnydale SL today. - a two-phase team deathmatch between Slayers and Cordy against Mr Trick's assassins.

The two teams clashed first in Miller's Wood near the abandoned house then in Sunnydale High School itself. Competition was steady with plenty of in-character roleplay between clashes. The final score Slayers 9 - Assassins 4.

Slayers and Cordy - Faith (Faith Calamity), Cordelia (Nashura Wunderlich), Verlie (Verlie Capelo) and Buffy (Zeno Baxton) - weapon scripted spatula not shown.

Mr. Trick's Assassins - Baron Constantine (RegY Constantine), Vampire Xander (Soara Jewell), Dark Witch (Javelin Somerset), Spike (Oz Lethecus) - Rebecca Proudhon, absent from picture.

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