“Okay, I'm officially confused.”
Dawn [Rory] wasn't the other one perplexed or concerned. Buffy [Zeno] regarded the young man before her. Here in the school library stood a young man claiming to be the Slayer that was called after Faith was killed, and yet standing next to her was Faith alive and well.
It wasn’t the possibility of a Slayer being male that bothered Buffy. She had seen some odd things in Sunnydale since time had splintered and other versions of her friends, her enemies and even other Buffys had started showing up. It was the idea that there was another Faith out there and a dead one at that.
The important question was: who killed that other Faith?
As for this new slayer, Buffy was always open to the idea of new soldiers in the fight against the First.
But while Buffy was concerned, another Buffy, a younger Buffy was openly suspicious.
“Yah, well... just being cautious…don't need more back stabbers than we have already *coughs* Spike.”

Another Buffy, a slightly younger Buffy [Javelin] ... it was a bit like having a twin sister and a younger sister rolled up into one. It was a bit like having the voices in your head walking around and borrowing your clothes. They agreed on most things sometimes even finishing each others sentences, but the one thing they couldn’t see eye to eye on was Spike.
“I told you before, Spike has changed.”
“Yah, changed? As in same old jacket for the past God knows how many years? Sure!”
“Well, Spike's jacket aside ... he is changed and safe in my basement.”
Willow [Bellarata] spoke up, “Okay that brought some disturbing visual”
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