Wednesday, June 24 (Part Two)
Glory Chase, Cordelia's cousin, sprinted across the field towards the school to warn Giles and the others. She had been spying on the vampires from behind the stage of the Bronze. She rushed into the school library.
"The Master is in the Bronze," she cried.
Cordelia was standing there trying to explain what had happened to reality to Giles. With them was Kat who made up the team of fighters doing what they could to defend Sunnydale against the plague of the undead.
Kat interrupted Cordy, "Someone's coming..."
Glory called out, "It's too late"
The vampires tried to overwhelm the small group. The fight spilled out of the school and into the streets.
During a lull in the combat, Cordy urgently told Giles her story.
"If Buffy came back... they'd be gone. They don't want me to bring Buffy back."
"Good lord," remarked Giles.
"I wished her away."
As Giles pressed Cordy to continue, Kat warned off an attacking vampire, "Back off bloodsucker."
"Who... did you wish to? Did they have a symbol or anything? Think girl, think!"
"Enough talk," cried Glory.
The servants of the Master pressed their assault, but Cordelia was well defended by her friends.
"Yes Cordelia"
"Here... this thing...." She handed him a necklace. "It's what made Buffy go away."
"Good lord. I must get back to my books. Everyone ... keep them distracted"
It was only when the vampires managed to separate Cordelia from others that they caught her, bound her, and took her as a offering to the Master. But by then Giles had the information he required - and he had the necklace of Anyanka.
Monday, 29 June 2009
Thursday, 25 June 2009
The Wish (Part One)
Wednesday, June 24 (Part One)
"I wish Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale."
"Hello my children."
The Master stood before his assembled servants. The vampires of Sunnydale gathered around him eager to pledge their loyalty to the dark lord.
Molly clapped and jumped up and down with excitement. Pepper bent her knee. Carmen stood by in respectful silence while Xander greeted him. Willow bowed and said, "Master, I am here to serve you."

"What news do you have for me?"
Pepper spoke up, "There is a girl at the school... a new girl... she mentioned a Buffy..."
Molly interrupted, "What's a Buffy?"
"The Slayer?" asked the Master.
Xander confirmed, "Yes, the Slayer"
"A Slayer?" asked Molly, "What's that?"
The Master explained, "Ah yes, she is of no consequence. You will find this Slayer and bring her to me child."
"Yes we will, Master," replied Willow. "We will not be all with the failing. We will do your bidding."
"She will look like a young girl but be warned she is as powerful as any vampire."
The words of the Master turned any doubt, any anxiety among the vampires, into aggression. Filled with unholy bloodlust, they streamed out of the Bronze and into the night to do his bidding.
"I wish Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale."
* * *
Anyanka granted Cordy's wish and Buffy never came to Sunnydale. Without the Slayer to stop him, the Master, freed from his prison on the Hellmouth, worked his evil upon the land. Sunnydale became a town dominated by the undead."Hello my children."
The Master stood before his assembled servants. The vampires of Sunnydale gathered around him eager to pledge their loyalty to the dark lord.
Molly clapped and jumped up and down with excitement. Pepper bent her knee. Carmen stood by in respectful silence while Xander greeted him. Willow bowed and said, "Master, I am here to serve you."

"What news do you have for me?"
Pepper spoke up, "There is a girl at the school... a new girl... she mentioned a Buffy..."
Molly interrupted, "What's a Buffy?"
"The Slayer?" asked the Master.
Xander confirmed, "Yes, the Slayer"
"A Slayer?" asked Molly, "What's that?"
The Master explained, "Ah yes, she is of no consequence. You will find this Slayer and bring her to me child."
"Yes we will, Master," replied Willow. "We will not be all with the failing. We will do your bidding."
"She will look like a young girl but be warned she is as powerful as any vampire."
The words of the Master turned any doubt, any anxiety among the vampires, into aggression. Filled with unholy bloodlust, they streamed out of the Bronze and into the night to do his bidding.
Slayers on Patrol
Thursday, June 18 (Part Two)
Pepper quickly lowered the goblet of blood behind the counter as the door of the bar crashed open. Pepper had been hoping to have a good long chat with Willow the vampire... find out what motivates her and maybe even forge an alliance.
But now Buffy and Faith stepped in the room. Pepper sighed. Can't a vampire get any quality time with her friends without a slayer or two showing up, looking for information and spoiling the fun?
Buffy got straight to the point, "I don't suppose a Slayer dropped by here any chance? A big guy... blue eyes."
Vampire Willow quipped, "As opposed to the slayer trash that is already here?"
"So when did you two become friends?" Pepper asked.
Sometimes there was friction between these two Slayers. Pepper hoped that this was one of those times. She tried to shift the conversation.
"Faith you really should be with us..."
"Been there, done that, reformed."
"..and Buffy here... all the Buffys, none of them trust you! So Faith... what do you say? Come take a walk on the wild side. "
"Don't think so Hun...Thanks for the offer though really"
Pepper moved from around the bar and slowly, ever so slowly, around the room until she had room to maneuver. Even if Faith didn't notice the movement, she did recognize Pepper's strategy.
"They are trying to get me on their side B, no defenses on your part?"
Willow jumped in, "Faith, we'd appreciate you."
But Buffy cut through the obvious ploy, "Alright... enough chit haven't answered my question..."
Oh well, Pepper thought, if we can't tear them apart, we can still tear them up into little pieces. Pepper smiled, showing her fangs, her forehead wrinkling. She was, if nothing else, an optimist.
Pepper quickly lowered the goblet of blood behind the counter as the door of the bar crashed open. Pepper had been hoping to have a good long chat with Willow the vampire... find out what motivates her and maybe even forge an alliance.
But now Buffy and Faith stepped in the room. Pepper sighed. Can't a vampire get any quality time with her friends without a slayer or two showing up, looking for information and spoiling the fun?
Buffy got straight to the point, "I don't suppose a Slayer dropped by here any chance? A big guy... blue eyes."
Vampire Willow quipped, "As opposed to the slayer trash that is already here?"
"So when did you two become friends?" Pepper asked.
Sometimes there was friction between these two Slayers. Pepper hoped that this was one of those times. She tried to shift the conversation.
"Faith you really should be with us..."
"Been there, done that, reformed."
"..and Buffy here... all the Buffys, none of them trust you! So Faith... what do you say? Come take a walk on the wild side. "
"Don't think so Hun...Thanks for the offer though really"

"They are trying to get me on their side B, no defenses on your part?"
Willow jumped in, "Faith, we'd appreciate you."
But Buffy cut through the obvious ploy, "Alright... enough chit haven't answered my question..."
Oh well, Pepper thought, if we can't tear them apart, we can still tear them up into little pieces. Pepper smiled, showing her fangs, her forehead wrinkling. She was, if nothing else, an optimist.
* * *
Thursday, 18 June 2009
New Slayer in Town
Thursday, June 18 (Part One)
“Okay, I'm officially confused.”
Dawn [Rory] wasn't the other one perplexed or concerned. Buffy [Zeno] regarded the young man before her. Here in the school library stood a young man claiming to be the Slayer that was called after Faith was killed, and yet standing next to her was Faith alive and well.
It wasn’t the possibility of a Slayer being male that bothered Buffy. She had seen some odd things in Sunnydale since time had splintered and other versions of her friends, her enemies and even other Buffys had started showing up. It was the idea that there was another Faith out there and a dead one at that.
The important question was: who killed that other Faith?
As for this new slayer, Buffy was always open to the idea of new soldiers in the fight against the First.
But while Buffy was concerned, another Buffy, a younger Buffy was openly suspicious.
“Yah, well... just being cautious…don't need more back stabbers than we have already *coughs* Spike.”

Another Buffy, a slightly younger Buffy [Javelin] ... it was a bit like having a twin sister and a younger sister rolled up into one. It was a bit like having the voices in your head walking around and borrowing your clothes. They agreed on most things sometimes even finishing each others sentences, but the one thing they couldn’t see eye to eye on was Spike.
“I told you before, Spike has changed.”
“Yah, changed? As in same old jacket for the past God knows how many years? Sure!”
“Well, Spike's jacket aside ... he is changed and safe in my basement.”
Willow [Bellarata] spoke up, “Okay that brought some disturbing visual”
“Okay, I'm officially confused.”
Dawn [Rory] wasn't the other one perplexed or concerned. Buffy [Zeno] regarded the young man before her. Here in the school library stood a young man claiming to be the Slayer that was called after Faith was killed, and yet standing next to her was Faith alive and well.
It wasn’t the possibility of a Slayer being male that bothered Buffy. She had seen some odd things in Sunnydale since time had splintered and other versions of her friends, her enemies and even other Buffys had started showing up. It was the idea that there was another Faith out there and a dead one at that.
The important question was: who killed that other Faith?
As for this new slayer, Buffy was always open to the idea of new soldiers in the fight against the First.
But while Buffy was concerned, another Buffy, a younger Buffy was openly suspicious.
“Yah, well... just being cautious…don't need more back stabbers than we have already *coughs* Spike.”

Another Buffy, a slightly younger Buffy [Javelin] ... it was a bit like having a twin sister and a younger sister rolled up into one. It was a bit like having the voices in your head walking around and borrowing your clothes. They agreed on most things sometimes even finishing each others sentences, but the one thing they couldn’t see eye to eye on was Spike.
“I told you before, Spike has changed.”
“Yah, changed? As in same old jacket for the past God knows how many years? Sure!”
“Well, Spike's jacket aside ... he is changed and safe in my basement.”
Willow [Bellarata] spoke up, “Okay that brought some disturbing visual”
* * *
Sunday, 14 June 2009
"Previously in Sunnydale SL..."
Wednesday, June 3rd.
After the mysterious rise of the old tower, the Scoobies suspected the return of none other than Glorificus... the it was no surprise to them when Glory (Faith Calamity) showed up outside of the Sunnydale High library. With her allies, Vampire-Willow (Bellarata Morane) and Vampire-Xander (Soara Jewell), Glory demanded the Scoobies hand over 'The Key.' But the Scoobies knew what to expect and hid Dawn (Verlie Capelo) in the school.
A brawl between the two gangs broke out in the high school's recess ground. Displaying astonishing archery skills, Laken (Laken Sussermann) eliminated the threat from Vamp-Willow, while Spike (Oz Lethecus) fought Vamp-Xander in a bare-knuckle brawl and Buffy (Javelin Somerset) faced off against Glory yet again. But soon the school was breached and Dawn's position compromised.
The Scoobies took Dawn and made a run for the exit. There they encountered Shanon (Faith Davi) and thought she could help protect Dawn. However, Shanon's alter-ego possessed her and the demon within resurfaced. Fortunately for the Scoobies, 'The Key' was of no interest to Shanon as she had not yet discovered its secrets.
After a prolonged on-foot chase, the Scoobies witnessed for themselves the return of the Tower. Glory's Minions took out Spike, and while Buffy and Laken were distracted by Spike's fall... Glory and Vamp-Xander ambushed Dawn at the Tower nearly capturing her. Buffy arrived and fended off Glory and Xander but was was nearly defeated in a close-battle. As Glory approached Buffy, she hesitated to take the final blow as Dawn, who she wanted alive, was nearby. This gave Buffy the chance to get back on her feet and attack Glory. Knocking Glory unconscious at the base of the Tower, Buffy grabbed Dawn and sprinted for the Buffy house. Xander gave chase, but luckily they were able to lose him. Although the Scoobies succeeded in keeping Dawn safe, they were only too aware that Glory's return is imminent.
[Thanks to Javelin Somerset for submitting this narrative.]
After the mysterious rise of the old tower, the Scoobies suspected the return of none other than Glorificus... the it was no surprise to them when Glory (Faith Calamity) showed up outside of the Sunnydale High library. With her allies, Vampire-Willow (Bellarata Morane) and Vampire-Xander (Soara Jewell), Glory demanded the Scoobies hand over 'The Key.' But the Scoobies knew what to expect and hid Dawn (Verlie Capelo) in the school.
A brawl between the two gangs broke out in the high school's recess ground. Displaying astonishing archery skills, Laken (Laken Sussermann) eliminated the threat from Vamp-Willow, while Spike (Oz Lethecus) fought Vamp-Xander in a bare-knuckle brawl and Buffy (Javelin Somerset) faced off against Glory yet again. But soon the school was breached and Dawn's position compromised.
The Scoobies took Dawn and made a run for the exit. There they encountered Shanon (Faith Davi) and thought she could help protect Dawn. However, Shanon's alter-ego possessed her and the demon within resurfaced. Fortunately for the Scoobies, 'The Key' was of no interest to Shanon as she had not yet discovered its secrets.
After a prolonged on-foot chase, the Scoobies witnessed for themselves the return of the Tower. Glory's Minions took out Spike, and while Buffy and Laken were distracted by Spike's fall... Glory and Vamp-Xander ambushed Dawn at the Tower nearly capturing her. Buffy arrived and fended off Glory and Xander but was was nearly defeated in a close-battle. As Glory approached Buffy, she hesitated to take the final blow as Dawn, who she wanted alive, was nearby. This gave Buffy the chance to get back on her feet and attack Glory. Knocking Glory unconscious at the base of the Tower, Buffy grabbed Dawn and sprinted for the Buffy house. Xander gave chase, but luckily they were able to lose him. Although the Scoobies succeeded in keeping Dawn safe, they were only too aware that Glory's return is imminent.
[Thanks to Javelin Somerset for submitting this narrative.]
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Glory's Tower
Today the citizens of Sunnydale were shocked and horrified to see a gigantic steel structure towering over the nearby buildings. This tower was erected by the mindless servants of the demon god Glory to serve her dark purpose... and to provide another great location for roleplaying in Sunnydale SL.
Players gathered to take advantage of this newest permanent build in a roleplay to either capture or rescue Dawn.
Players gathered to take advantage of this newest permanent build in a roleplay to either capture or rescue Dawn.
I mean, why couldn't it be like a, a lymph ritual?"
Monday, 1 June 2009
Mr. Trick is up to, tricks again. He is assembling a team of assassins to kill Buffy and Faith. He still captured Cordelia along with Buffy, but this time he didn't count on so many slayers...
Based on events from the episode "Homecoming", SlayerFest came to Sunnydale SL today. - a two-phase team deathmatch between Slayers and Cordy against Mr Trick's assassins.
The two teams clashed first in Miller's Wood near the abandoned house then in Sunnydale High School itself. Competition was steady with plenty of in-character roleplay between clashes. The final score Slayers 9 - Assassins 4.
Based on events from the episode "Homecoming", SlayerFest came to Sunnydale SL today. - a two-phase team deathmatch between Slayers and Cordy against Mr Trick's assassins.
The two teams clashed first in Miller's Wood near the abandoned house then in Sunnydale High School itself. Competition was steady with plenty of in-character roleplay between clashes. The final score Slayers 9 - Assassins 4.
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