"I'll wait here," remarked Faith (Alanna), "Give you two alone time."
The candles flickered. The fire burned merrily in the hearth.
"I don't see him," added Buffy, "But the candles are going. Angel?"
She passed by the sofa to the door of the inner chamber. Angel sometimes sat there reading.
She heard a giggle. A decidedly female giggle...
Buffy returned to the main room.
"Faith," she began "He's not..."
The vampire moved fast. He leaped across the room swinging a mighty sword.

Buffy held her side where she was struck by the sword. She waved off the other slayer. The vampire lay on the floor in the corner of the room. He was dressed in western gear much like the Gorch Brothers.
"You've gotten blood over my new home."
The voice came from the balcony. It was Drusilla (Patience). She pouted at Buffy.
"Drusilla," declared Buffy as she looked up, "I should have known."
"Who is she?" asked Faith, "The one that killed Kendra?"
"Spike's ex," replied Buffy.
"Oh," said Faith. And she said no more.
"Where are you keeping him?" demanded Drusilla, "Hiding him from me..."
"In my basement where he is safe," replied Buffy. She suddenly blushed. That came out wrong.
Reg (RegY) smirked. "She's with me now," he said proudly. "She likes to ride. She wants a cowboy."
The vampire got up, a little scarred, but feeling spiffy again, "You forgot to take my head off, Slayer."
Drusilla squealed and clapped her hands.
"Something about someone's head?" answered Faith, "I have a scythe for that"
Buffy looked at Faith, "You hold off Tex, I'll see to Drusilla."
"Good plan," replied Faith, as Buffy sprinted to the stairs.
Reg looked at Faith "Us again, huh?" They had fought before.
"Seems like it," answered Faith "...but this time I got my toy." She hefted her scythe.

"Why did you come back Drusilla?" asked Buffy
"You're hiding him from me," sulked Drusilla, "We can't be happy again."
"I promised Spike you could get away," replied Buffy, "If he helped me against Angelus." It was only in May. It was five years passed. It was a life time ago.
Drusilla lowered her head a bit and moaned, "We'll never be a family."

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