Sunnydale regulars have been delighted not only by more tourist spots, but by their more accurate recreation which gives one the feeling of actually being on the set! Currently there are 3 iconic locations that are open to the public:
The Bronze

The one and only nightspot of BtVS has been lovingly recreated in painstaking detail. To give you an idea of the size the figure that can be seen in front is Spike!

Spike on the stage playing DJ! This view shows the catwalk which is familiar to BtVS fans.
The Magic Box

The Magic Box's new facade is now more faithful to the show. Fittingly enough it's located in the commercial section of Sunnydale!

The backroom of the magic box which has everything need to train a slayer. Giles takes a morning workout at the punching bag.
Sunnydale High School
Sunnydale High is the most iconic location of all having been the main setting of Seasons 1-3 before being rebuilt for Season 5. In Sunnydale SL it acts as the Welcome Centre and is a hug for many activites.

Sunnydale High as seen from a slightly elevated view. The tiny speck in front is Buffy.

A closer view of the School entrance showing more detail.

The immediately recognizable courtyard, a favorite hangout of the students.

An aerial view of the courtyard showing the entire school.

Buffy in the Library, where the Scoobies spent many an afternoon and the evening working out plans on how to keep Sunnydale safe.
While the piccies give you some idea there is no substitue for actually visiting and being there yourself!
Sunnydale lives only on SL!
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