Friday 26 October 2007

Letters whilst waiting for an island

X,Y: (1060, 973) That's the grid referenceto the new Sunnydale-SL island. I am waiting excitedly to start moving the building work from the test parcel over to it. And waiting. And waiting. As you will have seen from my previous post it's now the 5th day since I ordered the island and yesterday I finally received a reply from my support ticket, from Dee Linden which neatly states:
Solved: (10/25/2007 9:09 AM PDT)
Should be delivered to you later today or tomorrow =)
Right then! I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that that really is the case. As anybody who is a member of the Buffy group will know, we're planning a pre-launch party next saturday at The Bronze (friday 3rd of November). We were planning it to coincide with Halloween next wednesday, but the SL grid will be down for maintainance just before then and it's just too big a risk to take to count on it being back up in time.
We have a owner/manager of the Bronze who will be taking it over from saturday, and we'll announce that at the party. Immediately after we will close the island for access whilst working on the build, but hope to have the official, full opening very, very soon after that.

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