If you missed the first magical meeting above the Wicca Academy yesterday, here's a pic for you to see. I don't know what they were doing because they said it was secret magic stuff :)
Sunnydale-SL is a role-playing sim based on the TV Series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This is the blog of the SIM.
Yesterday marked another in our series of in-character role-playing events based on episodes of the series, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. These events are structured enough to guide some elements of the narrative along the lines of a given episode. They are open-ended enough to permit creative input from the role-players including the integration of their own storylines.
In this case, two teams met in a contest to achieve a set of victory conditions based upon the episode “Becoming, Part 2” - with Angelus and his gang trying to awaken the demon Acathla while the Scoobies try to stop him by restoring his soul and if necessary by killing him.
Captain Neximus - Spike
Faith Davi - Shannon (possessed and helping Angelus)
Jenny Revestel - Drusilla
Kaleb Kessel - Angel/Angelus
Nashura Wunderlich – Cordelia Chase
Soara Jewell – Xander Harris
Zeno Baxton – Buffy Summers
But Angelus had already drawn the sword from the body of Acathla, so Buffy, Cordy, Willow and Xander had to storm the mansion to stop the demon from awakening. After a fierce battle with Spike switching sides, betraying Angelus and upsetting Drusilla in the process, Angel was slain and the world saved.
So in the end, Angels dies and Buffy cries. All is as it should be.
Shannon, Willow, Buffy and Cordy.
Thank you to all the role-players and to all who participated in the preparation of this event. Special thanks to Glados for the Orb of Thesula and to Javelin for the Sword of Angelus.