Tuesday, 31 March 2009
I am deeply saddened by this, Andy Hallett, Lorne on Angel, passed away this past Sunday. here is a link for further details. E online: http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_with_kristin/b106789_angel_star_andy_hallett_dies_of_heart.html
also info here
over at whedonesque there is a thread going http://whedonesque.com/comments/19687
I'm still broken up about this, i can hear him singing "It's not easy being green" now....
On a much happier note, congrats to Alyson Hannigan and her husband Alexis Denisof (you remember Wesley Windham-Price) on the birth of their daughter Satyana Denisof on March 24th http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20268972,00.html
also a thread over at whedonesque on this as well http://whedonesque.com/comments/19696
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Rocky Horror Picture Show party at the Bronze
Next we have our hosts Javelin and Glados, and myself, should I be jealous that Glados's stockings are nicer than mine? lol

Here is another view of the party.
I hope that all in attendance had as much fun as I did.
Don't forget that Thursday, March 26th at 4:30 PM SLT, DJ Caron will be rocking the Bronze. check the "WHATS ON" page at http://www.sunnydale-sl.com/ to stay up-to-date on events.
D'oh, I thought the images would link to the full size, I must have messed something up, anyway you can view the full size images from my Flickr page. http://www.flickr.com/photos/elmomoomintoog/